English 1 · Bentum · C Public Feed
Creativity while learning makes me feel like I’m the leader, it makes me feel empowered, it makes me feel like I can make it how I want, I think this is good in learning because people feel intimidated or more pressured when they are told to be creative, you can’t be told to do something creative, then it makes creativity contrived. Creativity is fun, inspiring, strengthening. It makes you feel amazing once you create something all by yourself. Creativity can’t be enforced. Sometimes people get pressured, they become intimidated, usually when they are forced to be creative, and they will steal creativity from someone else, they will take part of that person’s creativity and use it like their own, this is when creativity becomes about power. I think to keep creativity striving in learning people will have to have time, and they will have to feel good about what they are doing, they can’t be under pressure or under stress, that makes creativity hard, it makes it unhappy it needs to be something you want to do, something you look forward to doing, that way people want to do it. I consider myself quite creative, though I have been under stress and pressure before when I have had to be creative and it was gross, I felt trapped, I felt like a prisoner who has to bail themselves out with their own work, only then can they be free. I think creativity in learning is a blessing, something powerful, something beautiful.
Creativity while learning makes my knowlege better and my thoughts flawless. I love being creative when learning things, meaning I like different ways to learn things that is easier for me in my own way. It makes me feel as if I’ve created my own teaching skills. It means that finding strategies to learn something. I would like all teachers to be creative in teachings because it will make us learn things instead of forcing us to learn it. While learning be creative, which means that always make learning fun and more learnable for your own benefit. It causes me to learn rapidly when I’m creative with my learning. After you learn it and make it creative than you could finally lead it. Meaning you could teach others what you’ve learned in your own way which is more creative because everyone's creativity isn’t same. Everyone is creative in their own ways.
Creativity while learning is a way for me to memorize what I have learned. Being creative is one of my strong nesses. When I am creative, ideas start to flow through my head and I love to make my ideas happen. I tend to learn and adapt to a learning environment by being creative, sharing ideas, and making ideas come to life. If my learning environment was not creative and filled with great ideas, I would not adapt to my learning environment as well as I would if the learning environment was creative. I think that being creative is apart of adjusting to high school. High school is mostly revolve around projects that require a student to be creative with work. Most teachers would not accept projects if they do not show creativity. Creativity is a great way to live life. Most people say that they “are not creative,” but the truth is that they actually are. People are creative when they choose their outfits, when they plan parties, etc. Creativity is something that comes naturally.
Creativity while learning can make you think about the many things i would like to do. I would need to think first about what is going on and how to do the the subject. In school we have to learn many things and it's fun learning new things that you observed and sometimes when you learn it's like you are drawing things to your mind. The creativity of learning can be awesome because you have many topics you can be learning about or reading about, but the topic you read about or learn you just want to find more and more about it. While learning these topic creativity can be leading to have a good grade if you keep learning. Using another why for creativity while learning is like having an topic you want to be having to think about. But some of the teacher can make it more funer to learn.
Learn - Create - Lead
Creativity while learning… makes me feel like I can express myself more in my work. Even though it is harder to create something while doing an assignment, it is also fun at the same time. I feel like it is fun to create things in writings or projects because you can express yourself and make it fun for yourself. Instead of doing a strict assignment where you can only do so and so, you can come up with ideas of your own and make the project or assignment or whatever exceed expectations. I also feel like being creative in your work will make you better at what you’re doing. For example, if you’re writing something you could add little puns or something like that. It enhances your writing and to me, it seems like it is more interesting to read than a boring old paper about the revolutionary war. Nobody wants to read some paper just stating facts and theories and what not. Why not make it more interesting for others. Also being creative will help you think better. For example, let's say someone had an idea about something super important but had trouble backing it up. You could use your creative mind and come up with tons of ideas in order to contribute. I feel like everyone should try to be creative in work because it is easier to use what you know than doing tons of research online in order to finish something. It lightens up the load for you by a bit. Also, being creative in ordinary situations could help quite a bit for others. For example, let’s say that you and your friends were just sitting inside doing nothing and had no idea what to do that day. You with your creative mind could throw in ideas and possibly come up with something to do so that you and your friends can have some fun. Being creative in class is probably that best place to be creative. For example, the teacher asks a question where opinions are good answers. You could come up with tons of ideas to help contribute. You could blow the other kids out of the park with your mind. See that right there. That's being creative :p. Being creative is just a good thing to be able to do because it helps you learn, you can throw out ideas without even having to think about it, help out in boring situations, and being creative can help you or lighten the load of work you have to do.
Creativity while learning make me feels more open. The reason why is because I get to use my creativity mind to learn. I get to think outside of the box. For example if one of my teacher ask a question, some people will answer it boring or just to get the question out of the way. I’ll answer it creativity because I’ll be thinking more than other people will. In Spanish class the teacher asked us how are we. We can say we’re okay, but we say more than that even though we don’t know a lot of Spanish. Be creative while learning can help you to write more and think more.
Learn- creative -Lead
Creativity while learning makes me more interested in the project or task that I am doing. Creativity helps me learn more about the topic and organize my information. Creativity helps me excel when it come to presenting my information for my audience. Creativity helps me lead me and my classmates to a better understanding on direction and organization. Creativity helps keeps my audience focus on my presented work. Without Creativity I will not be able to present my work in a format in which people will understand, they will be so bored and uninterested in my work to even care. 75% percent of my work depends on my creativity and the rest depends on the information that i collected. I feel as though Creativity is a big part of your grade because your teachers wants you to think outside the box when you do things so they can see how you think and who you are. Life is so boring without Creativity because there is nobody thinking outside of the box and creating something exciting and leading others to do the same. When I have a project to do, I first imagine how I will organize it. That’s the best way to plan it out because you know have a goal and you began to do figure out what you can do to get the project where you want it.