ENGLISH 1 - Zeller - A Public Feed
Group 6; Haniah, Maddi, Mukhtar, Dan and Salina Express Yourself video blog post
Salina:There are many reasons why we express ourselves. For example We express ourselves so that people can know who we are. Not only just that, but also so people can know what I am about. Furthermore, what My interests are and what I pride myself in. In the end, I express myself because I feel as though If I don’t then people won’t know the real me.
Throughout this video, we will have expressed the complexity of ourselves in this videos in a few ways. For instance, we have put our interests in this video. Such as poetry, art, shopping, “selfies” and etc. We also shared our family and friends, some new and old. Furthermore, we put all of are religions which based around Christianity and Islam. In conclusion, these things are what we felt that we needed to share so that people could have a better understanding of who we are and how we are all friends.
I feel like I have learned many things while completing this project. The reason I say this is because there were many things that I didn't know about my friend. For example, Maddi was Christian. I didn't even think that Maddi had a religion because she never talked about it until we all discussed it. Also, I never knew that Mukhtar was an artist, so doing this project let me get to know my friends even better!
Mukhtar: When I first came to this school I only knew a few people, mainly people from my soccer team, students in my advisory, and two classmates I went to elementary and middle school with. I was glad to see that in my advisory I had an old friend from elementary school and I was glad to see her because I had so much to catch up on, with her and tell her how life was at my old school when she left. I was also glad to see another classmate who I knew would be at the same school, but I wasn't sure if we would be in the same classes, I was glad to have multiple classes with her including english where we sit at the same table, and her name was Haniah Jones. From then on their I met the other students at the group table, I would go to school with, for the rest of my four years at SLA, those students were, Daniel/Dan, Maddi, and Salina. We may have, have different personalities but, we still came together as friends/classmates at school. So what inspired me to do this we video group project, was our differences, we all have different places we want to be in the future, different jobs, careers, religions, environments, and families, but what we do have in common is a common goal to get somewhere in life and be successful. It doesn't matter what age you are, you could still have goals in life, big dreams about things that you want to do. We are all humans no matter what, and it is basic human characteristics to believe in yourself, and your own self goals. That's what really inspired me about this video, is being dreamers, believers, that we could become anything we want. And since we all believe that, and have goals in life, thats what brings us all together.
What people should know about the video to fully understand it is: We may be different, whether racial, background environments, language and our interest in life. Some of those differences can bring us together as friends, family, acquaintances and classmates. And that should be what anyone learns in life, and what brings anybody together in this world .
What I have learn from this project: From this project I learned that there are things that I didn't even know about my group classmates, but as I asked questions, and wondered why, I found out things about them that I didn't think they would be interested in doing in life. You find out things about people, by going through trials to know who they are.
Artist Statement
In showing my video I hope to show people my video I hope to show that I have always been the happy goofy person I still am today. As you can see in my baby pictures, especially the one with pudding all over my face you can see my silly behavior. Growing up and still to this day I don’t want to be or ever become a negative person. When I was little a lot of time was spent at the beach, like the picture of me playing with the sand and at my grandmothers house. I love my grandmother will all my heart and still to this day look up to how amazing and strong she is. Mama is her name and when i was small she watched my brother and I everyday.
After being that smiley happy little girl, my life changed forever when my parents divorced. To be completely honest I would consider myself a “daddy’s girl” and not having him there with me was very sad. On top of losing him we stopped seeing my grandmother so much because we didn't see our dad all the time and she moved. Living without my dad was hard, but living with my mother was even harder. If I had to guess, I’d say something broke inside her the day they got into that big fight. She became so evil and she never changed, she never will.
In present time I live with my dad and my stepmom and I’m really happy where I am today. I have a wonderful baby brother whom I adore and love seeing his face everyday. Madeline Kelly is a happy person who really enjoys making people laugh, acting like a kid and hanging out with friends and family. I love who I am and what makes me who I am. I’m proud to be me.
In my artist statement i want to express myself my showing the person that I am I can do this by showing the audience my interest ,hobbies , and games I play enjoy all of these because it connects me to my friends. I feel that me playing with my friends can from a connection with them and make us bond together, another interest that i have is playing sports this also makes me express myself by showing people what i can do and how much i enjoy it for example when i first started playing football i thought I would be bad at it but after i made bonds with my teammates and made me feel comfortable with them and this overall made me better at the game. The last major interest that i have is comics i feel that this is one of my favorite hobbies because every since i was little i always had a love for superheroes and their powers the fact that someone can run faster than the speed of sound or lift up millions of pounds is amazing to me and I always wanted to be like them to conclude my artist statement i wanna say that what we have interest in can make us who we are
By, Jamire, Darian, Amna, Alejae, Daina
We learned about the different ways people express themselves by watching other peoples' Wevideos. Also we learned that there are people in this world that are afraid to express themselves because of discrimination. In our Wevideo our group mainly focuses on interests and hobbies we do the same. Doing this we showed how we related to each other through three different interests and hobbies which are sports, singing, and drawing. We used little clips to show us doing our hobbies. Our video represents which hobbies each of us have in common by showing pictures or videos of us in the three different sections.
We decided not to post our group video, but the our individual ones are great, so you can watch them.
Jamire's Statement:
In my Wevideo i express the things in my life that’s most important to me currently and a couple of pictures that show my role models who make me believe my dreams are possibly because their skills were doubted their whole life and their hard work lead them to the NBA. Also you will rarely ever see a picture of me and me taking a picture means there is a important reason I took it or I’m just feeling great a want to take a picture. I believe I showed everything I love currently and don’t believe i really wore the mask in my video.
Darian's Statement:
First, in my self expression video, I start off with clouds to help people understand that in life “the sky's the limit”. We can be and do anything we set our minds to be or do. Next, the video is driving fast to represent how fast life is and that we have to take advantage of every good opportunity that comes our way that helps us in life. Next, are pictures of family and friends who are positive in my life. Last, is the clouds again to remind us to make life the best we can.
In my self expression video I want people to see the real side of who I am. I want them to know that my life is not full of sadness but of happy, enjoyable moments with family and friends. I want everyone to know that all the people in my video show me that there is so much more to life rather than sitting around at home or anywhere else wasting time because that is not life and not the answer to life. You should never just let life pass you by and not strive to learn anything. You should focus on things that will make you think positively and not on things and activities that have no real value because it does not get you anywhere with life and you will miss out on many amazing points in your life that comes your way.
Amna's Statement
Alejae's Statement:
My individual project is about my life and what I like to do on my spare time. In my project I put my sports, family, pictures of myself, and people that I idolized. Throughout the video you can see that I am very happy and joyful in my pictures. Most of my pictures were taken in the comfort of my home. Some things I had in my video was rainbow looms, movies, trophies, and many other things that I love.
I learned that there are many ways that people express themselves and define themselves. Many people have different hobbies, skills, and interests and lots of people have the same hobbies, skills, and interests. I think that people should not be shy to express themselves it’s just being yourself.
Group 4- Zoe Staack, Egypt Bracey, Emanuel Spain-Lopez, Nacere James
In this unit we learned about discrimination and how people chose to express themselves. By reading the poem “We Wear The Mask” by Paul Lawrence Dunbar, we learned and identified how people wear masks to hide their true selves, just so they can fit in. We asked ourselves why people wear masks and if we wear masks in society. We soon found out that people wear masks to hide who they really are in order to fit in with the people around them. When you wear a mask you change who you are as a person. When making the video we learned you should always express who you are.
In this video we showed who we are as people through our hobbies. We showed how we all like doing different things that express ourselves. Also, how these hobbies help us come closer together.
The theme explained in our video is that you can express your true selves through the things you enjoy doing.
In this unit I learned I should always express myself or I might end up hurting myself mentally. I learned the ways people hide who they are and why they do so. I also learned about discrimination against races, and appearance. Meanwhile I made my video I learned I do not wear a mask and I express my true self.
What I want everyone to get out of my video is that I dream of being a cosmetologist and I love my family and friends. In my video I show pictures of me when I was younger and how I have grown up and graduated from middle school. When I was making my video I was thinking about what really means something to me and how I can put all these pictures into one video. I’ve expressed the complexity of myself in this video by putting pictures of me and things that inspire me. I learned that I can express myself and not wear a mask and show who I truly am to everyone. In conclusion, I hope you learned some things about me and how I strive to achieve my goals.
Blog Post: Express Myself! Videos Publication and Promotion
What did we learn in this unit? What new learning or knowledge does this video represent?
We learned that all our classmates are very similar in ways, such as sports and the arts. A lot of our classmates are very talented in drawing, singing, and dance. We learned about how race impacts our life. We also learned that Christian, Islam, and Atheism were the top three religions in this class. We learned how to define ourselves and how to define each other. In our video we wanted to explain that you can be yourself and never let society pressure you to change.
Summary: What we did in our video was to first show the sports: basketball and football that Shadiyah and Shamir are interested in. Next we showed that Aaliyah wants be an engineer. Then we showed what Ivana and Ashton were interested in, which was art. Lastly we showed how we collaborated. People are individuals. We have our own sense of style and music. People express themselves because humans are social beings, who want to know about other people, and want others to know about them. This is why we speak and write. Sometimes other things, such as poetry, music and drawing, are more effective ways of expressing themselves. Playing sports lets you express yourself in a physical way. There are plenty of opportunities to yell or feel elated when things go well. Team sports allow you to express yourself and combine your energy with others both in verbal and non-verbal ways. In conclusion , be yourself and don’t let any-one change who you are.
It is important to express yourself because it will let people know who you are and get people to like you. Most of us spend our days walking around with our noses buried in our smart phones. And while we're doing that, we're tuning out the people who are actually in the same room as us. We seem to have long ago crossed the line as to where doing this stuff is appropriate In this video I showed my life in a 1 min video. My life constants the love I have for bio-engineering , family , my religion and much more. My life is so fun and exciting in the video it should i’m not just a normal student. I usually go to school 6 days a week and 3x the homework for my coding and engineering classes. But its all worth it I always have fun at the end of the day .