By, Jamire, Darian, Amna, Alejae, Daina
We learned about the different ways people express themselves by watching other peoples' Wevideos. Also we learned that there are people in this world that are afraid to express themselves because of discrimination. In our Wevideo our group mainly focuses on interests and hobbies we do the same. Doing this we showed how we related to each other through three different interests and hobbies which are sports, singing, and drawing. We used little clips to show us doing our hobbies. Our video represents which hobbies each of us have in common by showing pictures or videos of us in the three different sections.
We decided not to post our group video, but the our individual ones are great, so you can watch them.
Jamire's Statement:
In my Wevideo i express the things in my life that’s most important to me currently and a couple of pictures that show my role models who make me believe my dreams are possibly because their skills were doubted their whole life and their hard work lead them to the NBA. Also you will rarely ever see a picture of me and me taking a picture means there is a important reason I took it or I’m just feeling great a want to take a picture. I believe I showed everything I love currently and don’t believe i really wore the mask in my video.
Darian's Statement:
First, in my self expression video, I start off with clouds to help people understand that in life “the sky's the limit”. We can be and do anything we set our minds to be or do. Next, the video is driving fast to represent how fast life is and that we have to take advantage of every good opportunity that comes our way that helps us in life. Next, are pictures of family and friends who are positive in my life. Last, is the clouds again to remind us to make life the best we can.
In my self expression video I want people to see the real side of who I am. I want them to know that my life is not full of sadness but of happy, enjoyable moments with family and friends. I want everyone to know that all the people in my video show me that there is so much more to life rather than sitting around at home or anywhere else wasting time because that is not life and not the answer to life. You should never just let life pass you by and not strive to learn anything. You should focus on things that will make you think positively and not on things and activities that have no real value because it does not get you anywhere with life and you will miss out on many amazing points in your life that comes your way.
Amna's Statement
Alejae's Statement:
My individual project is about my life and what I like to do on my spare time. In my project I put my sports, family, pictures of myself, and people that I idolized. Throughout the video you can see that I am very happy and joyful in my pictures. Most of my pictures were taken in the comfort of my home. Some things I had in my video was rainbow looms, movies, trophies, and many other things that I love.
I learned that there are many ways that people express themselves and define themselves. Many people have different hobbies, skills, and interests and lots of people have the same hobbies, skills, and interests. I think that people should not be shy to express themselves it’s just being yourself.
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