Saraa Fadl Public Feed
Saraa Fadl Senior Capstone
Alzheimer's Disease
Cycle of Sulfur
2 Truths and A Lie
Necesita Viajar Con Nosotros
La Poesía Española
Saraa Fadl
Banda A
Fecha veintinueve de Marzo dos mil y dieciséis
Biografía de Julia de Burgos
Julia nací en diecisiete de febrero mil novecientos catorce en Carolina, Puerto Rico. Ella fue el mayor de nueve hijos. Ella encanta literatura a una año antes. Sorprendentemente, ella ya terminé un título de universidad a diecinueve años. Ella uniras a la ”hijas de libertad” eso es un parte nacionalista puertorriqueño. Ella convierte un profesor luego escritor. Ella es ampliamente admira igual el mejor poeta mujer en la isla. Ella casó joven pero divorció después tres años. Más adelante, ella es en otro relación pero eso no último largo. Ella fue una alcohólica y murió después que cae en el calle y hospitalizó por neumonía.
Mi Biografía
Me llamo Saraa Fadl. Tengo dieciséis años y yo voy a la Academia de Liderato Ciencias a Beeber. Yo nací en Chicago, Illinois y criar en Filadelfia, Pennsylvania. Yo vivo en un mundo en el cual mujeres son menor que hombres y tienen menos libertad. Agradecidamente,mi padres soportan mi futuro cuando se trata de elegido mi carrera. Yo cambio mi carrera menudo y ellos aún soportarme. Hasta ahora, yo quiero ser un pediatra para terapia intensiva. Muchos padres de mi amigas los obligan a en una carrera. Yo siento eso no está bien y debió cambiar.
El/La Poeta: Julia de Burgos
A Julia De Burgos
Ya las gentes murmuran que yo soy tu enemiga porque dicen que en verso doy al mundo mi yo. Mienten, Julia de Burgos. Mienten, Julia de Burgos. La que se alza en mis versos no es tu voz: es mi voz porque tú eres ropaje y la esencia soy yo; y el más profundo abismo se tiende entre las dos. Tú eres fría muñeca de mentira social, y yo, viril destello de la humana verdad. Tú, miel de cortesana hipocresías; yo no; que en todos mis poemas desnudo el corazón. Tú eres como tu mundo, egoísta; yo no; que en todo me lo juego a ser lo que soy yo. Tú eres sólo la grave señora señorona; yo no, yo soy la vida, la fuerza, la mujer. Tú eres de tu marido, de tu amo; yo no; yo de nadie, o de todos, porque a todos, a todos en mi limpio sentir y en mi pensar me doy. Tú te rizas el pelo y te pintas; yo no; a mí me riza el viento, a mí me pinta el sol. Tú eres dama casera, resignada, sumisa, atada a los prejuicios de los hombres; yo no; que yo soy Rocinante corriendo desbocado olfateando horizontes de justicia de Dios. Tú en ti misma no mandas; a ti todos te mandan; en ti mandan tu esposo, tus padres, tus parientes, el cura, el modista, el teatro, el casino, el auto, las alhajas, el banquete, el champán, el cielo y el infierno, y el que dirán social. En mí no, que en mí manda mi solo corazón, mi solo pensamiento; quien manda en mí soy yo. Tú, flor de aristocracia; y yo, la flor del pueblo. Tú en ti lo tienes todo y a todos se lo debes, mientras que yo, mi nada a nadie se la debo. Tú, clavada al estático dividendo ancestral, y yo, un uno en la cifra del divisor social somos el duelo a muerte que se acerca fatal. Cuando las multitudes corran alborotadas dejando atrás cenizas de injusticias quemadas, y cuando con la tea de las siete virtudes, tras los siete pecados, corran las multitudes, contra ti, y contra todo lo injusto y lo inhumano, yo iré en medio de ellas con la tea en la mano. |
Creo que eso este poema es muy bien. Yo siento esto el poema entendes a mi vida. Es para como mujeres son tratan en sus vidas cotidianas. Yo conozco eso hay mujeres sudanés eso son forzado a cosas diferentes. Por ejemplo, ellas tienen quedan silenciosas de no hablando su propio opinión aún si está irrespetuosa. Como si esto fuera poco, ellos no dejan hacer cosas incuestionables. Explica, ellos no poden jugar esportes o cantar y bailar en público. Yo siento eso este poema ayudas entienden los temas de feminismo y igualdad.
¿Debería hacerlo? Yo, como una mujer joven sudanés, me cuesta sobrevivir en la sociedad corrupta. Los estereotipos y comentarios que contaminen el aire. Del “quedate en la casa y limpia” a la “vas a casarte después de la preparatoria”. Eso de verdad nos ofende. Limpiar y ser reclamado de un desconocido es nuestro propósito en la vida? Yo no quiero esa vida. Eso no es como yo quiera que nosotros estamos retratadas. ¿Por qué yo no puedo jugar fútbol durante todo el dia, volver a casa, y dormir? ¿Por que estoy forzada a parecer como una señora? ¿Y qué significa eso? Ellos nos dicen que seamos uno mismo pero sin reír o hablar con voz alta. “Tomas tus propias decisiones.” Cuando todo que ellos hacen es decirme que perseguir en el futuro. ¿Estoy permitida decir no? ¿Que pasa si yo quiero ignorar estos dichos? ¿Qué pasa si yo quiero hacer una diferencia? ¿Debería hacerlo? ¿Ellos me castigarán o me premiarán? Yo nunca sabré. Yo necesito pensar. ¿Pero lo haré? |
Noticias en Español (Spanish News)
City To Focus On:
New York, New York
Name of Channel:
Apple News on Channel 3
Big Apple,Big News.
Shaelin(Breaking News): El veintiuno años “do-gooder” straphanger conocido como “Jay” dio un escalofríos, sin camisa hombre su camisa y sombrero guardar el no identificado masculino como temperaturas acercado congelación en Manhattan en un Brooklyn-bound A tren.
Después de pasar tiempo con su novia, Lázaro Nolasco dijo que subió al tren en Washington Heights y observó la buena acción se desarrollan durante el largo tramo entre ciento veinte quinta y cincuenta y nueve calles las diez en punto de la tarde, Viernes.
"Fue sólo nosotros en el tren," dijo Nolasco , cuyo video del encuentro fue viral.
“El chico no tenía una camisa,” Él le dijo al Daily News. “Su cuerpo parecía enfermo.”
Veinte hombre -old -año observó al hombre quita la camisa y le dan al hombre necesitado . Temperaturas Manhattan acercaron a la congelación. Su generosidad lo dejó con solamente un tanque de músculo. La conversación entre los dos hombres es inaudible durante el video de casi dos minutos, pero Nolasco recordó que el buen samaritano preguntó si el hombre necesitaba una camisa.
"¿Quieres ir a un hospital?", preguntó otro.
El hombre dijo que “sí.”
“El hombre hizo una buena acción, así que quería grabar” Nolasco añadió. “Yo diría, ‘Dios te bendiga.’ Eso fue Pensativo.”
No está claro lo que pasó con los dos hombres cuando Nolasco se bajó del tren a los cuarenta Segundo st, pero los dos hombres se quedó atrás. Nolasco video recibió más de 5,8 millones de visitas en Facebook.
(Spanish): Gracias, Makayle y Saraa. El tiempo de la semana està muy frío. Lunes, la temperatura alta será cuarentiuno grados y la baja temperatura será treinta dos grados. Lunes será generalmente soleado y cero porcentaje de lluvia. Martes, la temperatura alta será cuarenta cinco grados y la baja temperatura será treinta uno grados. Martes será nublado por la mañana y soleado por la tarde y veinte porcentaje de lluvia. Miércoles, la temperatura alta será cuarenta uno grados y la baja temperatura será veintiséis grados. Miércoles será parcialmente nublado y diez porcentaje de lluvia. Jueves, la temperatura alta será treinta nueve grados y la baja temperatura será veintiocho grados. Jueves será parcialmente soleado y veinte porcentaje de lluvia. Viernes, la temperatura alta será treinta nueve grados y la baja temperatura será veintisiete grados. Viernes será nublado durante la mañana y soleado durante la tarde y veinte porcentaje de lluvia. Sabado, la temperatura alta será treinta ocho grados y la baja temperatura será treinta dos grados. Sabado será parcialmente nublado y cero porcentaje de lluvia. Domingo, la temperatura alta será cuarenta seis grados y la baja temperatura será treinta siete grados. Domingo será parcialmente nublado y veinte porcentaje de lluvia, así que ustedes tienen que llevar tu paraguas. Vuelve a ustedes, Saraa y Makayle.
Fechas | Temperatura (Alto/Corto) | Condicion de clima | Casualidad de lluvia | Viento | Humedad |
Lunes | cuarenta uno/ treinta dos | sobre todo soleado | cero por ciento | este-sur-estecinco millas por hora | sesenta cinco por ciento |
Martes | cuarenta cinco/treinta uno | AM nublado/ PM soleado | veinte por ciento | sur este diez millas por hora | setenta seis por ciento |
Miercoles | cuarenta uno/ veintiseis | en parte nublado | diez por ciento | este-sur-este nueve millas por hora | sesenta tres por ciento |
Jueves | treinta nueve/veintiocho | en parte soleado | veinte por ciento | este-sur-este diez millas por hora | sesenta ocho por ciento |
Vienes | treinta nueve/veintisiete | AM nublado/ PM soleado | veinte por ciento | este diez millas por hora | cincuenta nueve por ciento |
Sabados | treinta ocho/treinta dos | sobre todo nublado | cero por ciento | este once millas por hora | cincuenta dos por ciento |
Domingo | cuarenta seis/treinta siete | en parte nublado | veinte por ciento | sur-este diez millas por hora | sesenta siete por ciento |
Spanish Translation
Gracias Makyle y Saraa y feliz año nuevo a tú también.
feliz año nuevo y Buenos días Nueva York.
En nuestro segmento de salud de hoy, nosotros estamos centrándose en vida sana como un resolución nuevo como mantenerte saludable.Treinta y siete por ciento de americanos decidieron quedarse saludable su primer resolución para dos mil dieciséis, según una encuesta de Nielsen.
Normalmente esto sería un tiempo confuso, pero se puede adivinar otra vez. Tú puedes matar a cien calorías en sólo diez minutos, según a experto en física Jenna Wolfe, autor del próximo libro "más delgado en treinta: pequeños cambios que agregar a gran pérdida de peso en sólo treinta días. "Hacer cinco a siete rondas de veinte saltos, sentadillas veinte y veinte flexiones de (the) brazos. Podría hacer pendientes de tricep, sentadillas y hasta canillas del pie. Tú puedes poner pequeno retos como caminar una especifico cantidad de pasos. Cuando estés en tu paseo visita la tienda más cercana saludable em nueva york. Ayudando a Nueva York a quedarse saludable con una fruta a un momento.
Hay un gran variedad de alimentos que usted puede comprar de la tienda en-eh egri-gah cheh saludable con muchos efectos beneficiosos tales como plátanos, tomates, zanahorias, etc.. Plátanos son especialmente útiles para el corazón. Plátanos ayudan a proteger contra ataques del corazón y los huesos de SIDA.Tomate en la otro mano también es bien para tu pelo, riñón, y los ojos. Habla sobre un triple amenaza.
Eso es todo de hoy para el segmento saludable.
Cash’e(Fashion Segment): Gracias Makyle y Saraa. So this year we have some very pretty and expensive clothes but we always have stylish for less somewhere else. First we have some boots these have fur inside and cost $160.00. Now right next to it we have similar boots also with fur inside and only cost $60.00 these will surely still keep your feet nice and cozy .Next we scarves that have a unique purpose. They keep both your head and neck warm, however this scarf cost $75.00 and this only scarf only cost $15.00. Lastly we have some nice sweater to wear inside. Our first sweater as nice as it is cost $85.00 dollars while this one cost $40.00dollars. So all great styles and put all together it looks as such. ALways remember it can be cheap and estilo
Gracias Makyle y Saraa. Este/o año, nosotros tenemos algunos ropas muy bonitas y caras, pero nosotros tenemos siempre ropas elegantes para menos que detallias en otras partes. Primero, nosotros tenemos algunas botas con pelo adentro y cuestan ciento sesenta dolares. Ahora directo siguiente a la nostros tenemos parecerse a botas también con pelo dentro y solo costar sesenta dólar muy barata. Estas botas poder tú pies cómoda y tibia. Siguiente nosotros bufandas eso tiene un único propósito a cumplir ambos tú cabeza y cuello tibia , pero esta bufanda sólo costar setena cinco dólar y esta solo bufanda costar quince. Final nosotros tenemos bonita suéter to llevar puesto adentro. Nuestro primero suéter es muy bonita pero costar ochenta cinco dólar mientras esta un costar cuarenta dólar. Asi todos excelente estilo y poner todo juntos es mirar muy bonita y estilo. Siempre recordar es poder ser barato y estilo. De vuelta a Makyle y Saraa
¡Hola y bienvenido a las noticias del gran de manzana en el canal tres! Donde en la gran manzana, hay noticias gran. Me llamo Saraa Fadl.
Makyle: Y Yo soy Makyle Wyche, nosotros tenemos algunas especiales noticias para ustedes.
S:¿El clima está feo muy frío en este momento, correcto Makyle?
M: ¡Decididamente! Nuestro meteorólogo, Asmar tiene los detalles en el clima para la semana.
Ahora aquí está Asmar con el reportaje para la semana.
M:Gracias para el artículo! (You all have to) Ustedes tienen a abrigarse.
Saraa: Si! Ahora nosotros tenemos Abdul omar con algunos consejos de salud. Hola Abdul Omar!
M: Eso era Abdulomar con los consejos ese yo asi sera uso ¿Y tú Saraa?
S: Eso es definitivamente una de mi resoluciones del año nuevo.
M:¡Ahora a Cash E con moda de hoy. Feliz año nuevo a ti.
S:Gracias Cashe aquellas botas miren excelante. ¡Ahora aquí está Shaelin con la noticia de la última hora!
M:Eso fue Shaelin con la noticia de la última!
S:Eso es todo! Manténgase en sintonía para más las noticias del grande de manzana en el canal tres! Donde en la gran manzana, hay noticias grande.
S & M:
Gracias y que tienen un buen día.
Fashion Segment
Meteorologist Segment
I actually loved this project when it comes to the criteria, recording, and dressing up. My job was anchor but I was also responsible on editing/submitting the project. We decided to make a our news channel in NYC, New York and made a slogan and everything. It actually looked like a real news channel. I feel proud with the video that I created. However, I think that if we had more time, it would've been perfect for my group.
Día de los Muertos
This project is based on a traditional Spanish holiday. My project is about the passing of my uncle which happened about a year ago. This project contains a slideshow, a picture of my skull that I designed, a reflection in English, and a Spanish eulogy.
The person that passed away is my uncle. His name was Khalid Al-Tahir and he was 45 years old when he passed away. He was with my other uncle and grandmother and they were all in one car. They were on their way home from the masjid. They prayed the sunrise prayer, so it was still somewhat dark. They were at a red light and when it finally turned green, they went and all of a sudden a huge truck came speeding into them. They were rushed into the hospital; my uncle had a head injury, my grandmother had a broken arm as well as a head injury and finally my uncle was in a coma. Soon enough, we found out that my uncle and grandmother were released from the hospital however,my other uncle was still in a coma. Everyday we would get the same news, the news of him not waking up. It stressed my mother out because she was in America and it is very difficult to go to Saudi Arabia. About a month later, we found out he was pronounced dead. It hurts at the thought that the person I talk to is actually dead. A part of me didn’t want to believe it.A part of me thought that he was still alive so he’s still asleep. But reality hit me, and I thought that it was a time where I needed to accept it.
This person meant a lot to me because he was very nice and always showed empathy for others. With him living halfway across the world, we managed to keep in touch and always talk about things that were going on in our lives. I’ve decided to create this sugar skull in remembrance of my uncle. I thought that creating the sugar skull could help me bring back memories of the both of us. I didn’t actually see him face-to-face since it wouldn’t really work out. I am living in the United States while he was living with his family in Saudi Arabia. There was a time where my mom told me that we were finally going to Saudi Arabia and in my head I say, “Wow, I actually get to see my uncle and my aunt for the first time.” When I finally go there, I find out that he went to Sudan to see his family. I was very disappointed. Later on, when we went to Sudan, he came to visit us, however, I don’t remember seeing him. My mother would tell me that he visited and she introduced me to him, but I don’t remember. Now, all that I see from him is a picture of him on social media or from my aunt. Also, my aunt and mother would tell me stories about him. The stories are actually beneficial to me in general. It made me think about how he sees life and how he went on with his life when he was alive. Also, I thought about how his family reacted when the doctors told them he was gone. It must’ve felt heartbreaking. In my head, I said thank god I’m not there because I wouldn’t know how to deal with it. He was the first person that had died and that I knew personally.
So, for my sugar skull, I decided to put the two flags of the countries that he lived in, Sudan (his birth country) and Saudi Arabia (where he lived with his family). His favorite color was brown so I colored the sugar skull brown. I also wanted to draw a ring to show that he was married and put 45 small dots around the skull to show the age he was. Since, I previously mentioned that he was peaceful so I will be drawing a peace sign. Since his birthday is on March 16, 1968, he is a pisces, so I would be painting a pisces sign next to the islamic symbol on the skull’s forehead.
Dia de los Muertos opened my mind up to celebrating the passing of loved ones. It helped me realize how it affected me when they passed away and how special they are to me. It helped me recognize who I am because of these people. It showed me how worthy a human being can be when you start to think about memories that I had with those people. It showed me that I should thank God that I’m still living and breathing healthy. I have to appreciate the people and things that I have in my life because anything could happen at anytime and anywhere.
Spanish Eulogy:
Hola, me llamo Saraa Fadl. Yo estoy en el grado décimo. Voy a hablar de la muerte de Khalid Al-Tahir. Él nació en Sudán y vivió toda su vida ahí. Luego, él vivía en Arabia Saudita con su familia. Él era una persona de paz y amaba a todos él conocía. El trabaja como ingeniero civil. Él es muy competente con su carrera.
Yo soy en America. Yo vivo en Filadelfia, Pensilvania. Todos los días, yo creo que él. Mi mamá nos dice cuentos de él. Yo creo que como mi prima esta sin su padre. Yo buscado veo ella cuando nosotros ir a Sudán. De la manera que, es malo tiempo, asi que yo no podía vio ella.
Pienso hablo mi prima sabo como está haciendo. Yo quiero ella está buena.UCLA Interview
Ser vs. Estar Presentation
Oral History
The Failed Coup of Opposition Groups or Parties against the Gaafar El-Nimeiri
Interview by: Saraa Fadl
Interviewee: Osama Fadl
Date: 5/15/15
Time: 9:00 pm
Abstract: In 1976, there was an attempted coup located in Khartoum, Sudan in which my father, who was 11 years old at the time, had witnessed. This failed coup was lead by opposition parties against president Jaafar El-Nimeiri and his military at an attempt to overthrow the military government in Sudan and take over. He mentions how the event that happened at that time is connected with what is happening today. He talks about his opinion of the situation and the government.
Research on Jaafar El-Nimeiri
He was president for 17 years (1969-1985). He was a US ally and was known for creating a sharia law that he thought would make Sudan peaceful but instead, it created conflicts between the north and the south. He was responsible for creating a lot of conflicts from his ruling which resulted in him being exiled in Cairo, Egypt. He was in exile for 14 years and came back to Sudan in 1999. He tried to get reelected but did poorly. He died on May 30, 2009 at the age of 79.
S.F: Hello this is Saraa Fadl and I'm here to talk about the failed coup led by various groups such as the Islamists, The Uma Party (A Political Party) that opposed Jaafar El-Nimeiri with my father who at the time was 11 years old witnessed it. So how are you?
O.F:I’m alright.
S.F:So, I’m just here to ask you questions based on your knowledge about the failed coup. So, what happened based on your knowledge?
O.F: That time there was we were coming from a wedding of my cousin and the wedding lasted until 4 am in the morning that day and while we were coming my dad’s pickup truck we heard the bombing and shooting. Was like far away it was supposed to be like in downtown which was like maybe about 67, miles from where we were but still we were overhearing the bombing so when we got home we were outside just listening and you know wondering where was that and then the news came in and said there was a coup led by the opposition but the official government was saying like they were saying is a missionary from overseas past soldiers from other countries. They came to invade Sudan so that helped the government which is the military at the time helped them to you know the people help them because they were against the foreigners.
SF: So did this last all day or..?
OF: It was until like from like 3 or 4 am to like maybe around 11 or 12 and then you know when the people that came in, they came in and they couldn’t control the government or the country or the capital. Then they were driven away from there from the center and they came closer to where I lived like a mile so there was shootings all morning.
S.F: Was this a school night or a weekend?
O.F: It was Friday i think Thursday night to Friday night. it was the next day was.. we were
S.F: So it lasted a couple days?
OF: No I think it was the fighting was until 12 or something and then the government came back and the president was overseas and then they took over
SF: So when this happened he didn’t know about it or...?
OF: No he knew about it from overseas and i think he was directing it from overseas but there was some of his ministers and his people in the military you know that helped him.
SF: Did you witness something disturbing? Did you hear, see, or smell something unusual?
OF: No it was far away i mean i was too young to go and you know but we just heard stuff we heard the guns if we weren’t in the wedding we wouldn’t hear that. We would be asleep but it happens at the time of the wedding night of my cousin so we heard the whole thing and we stayed up but i didn’t see anything.
SF: Did you see any helicopters?
OF: No there were soldiers on the ground they were trying to control the radio and the tv stations and the military installations.
SF: So you mentioned it was far away, where was it located?
OF: In downtown like where the TV and the radio stations and the military headquarters.
SF: So where were you?
OF: Like in the suburbs, like 6 or 7 miles away.
SF: Of Khartoum or..?
OF: Downtown yeah.
SF: So when you first saw it, was there anyone in the family that knew about it a little bit, so that they can fill you in because you probably was confused at the time?
OF: Yeah, I had my cousin he was in the secret service, like the internal secret service, so yeah, he didn’t know too, but when he came back later on, he told us it’s a, you know, a missionary they call it مرتزقة (which is like paid soldiers from overseas from other countries). So thats how the government defeated them but they were opposition parties opposing the government but when they came they brought people that didn’t know the area they didn’t know the city, and they looked different from the people in the city, so it was easy to see that they are not sudanese, so the propaganda of the government they told them to pay missionaries to stop. All the sudanese were behind the government so thats what he told me.
S.F: How are people knowing about it now or years after the event happened? Do you think they are teaching that in school or are their relatives telling them?
OF:yea i mean people are talking about it because we are in the same situation right now in Sudan. There is a military government, there is a military taking over the country for now 25 years and the opposition parties are against the government and at this point, there were a lot of fights, there are a lot of wars in the south and the west and now people are trying to come together in a reconciliation so it’s the same situation like at the time 1976 i think ‘75 so its the same scenario happening right now so people are trying to--
SF: Compare?
OF: Yea, it’s comparable because its the same situation. the opposition were against the government. some parties of the opposition are fighting the government and now everybody is trying to come together and have a peaceful reconciliation and have a national government so it doesn’t get worse.
SF: What is your opinion? Do you have a side?
OF: No I am with everyone coming together because the country’s situations are getting worse, economically, politically, and socially. People are going back to their tribes, going back to their ethnicity.
SF: Because of the government.
OF: Because of the government trying to rule by dividing the people, dividing the parties together, dividing people against people, so they managed to control the country but in the end, the country is divided and divided, so hopefully they can come together and bring all the sudanese to one government and then work in improving the situation in Sudan.
SF: Are there leaders in Sudan that are trying to fix it?
OF: Yeah there is some leaders but because i think that personally because of selfishness they don’t want to join. They feel like they supposed to get more than what they can get, they don’t want to compromise. They are selfish and it can’t work with some parties joining and not the others it’s going to be the same problem. So everyone has to come so that's why its difficult to bring everybody in but that’s the only solution right now. otherwise it’s going to be wars its going to be like civil war. There is some wars fighting in the west, in Darfur and other states in the country but it’s going to be more people even in the capital because there is a lot of guns now with each parties so--
SF: So, history is repeating itself.
OF: Yeah. So the president at the time was wise and he managed to reconcile people but now i think the president is trying but i don’t know if he is trying hard and some opposition parties are--
SF: He’s(the president) abusing his power?
OF: Yeah of course I mean he’s responsible for all the mess that happened at the end.
SF: Is he the same president as what happened a long time ago?
OF: No that was El-Nimeiri now it’s Al-Bashir. There was a democratic elected government in between the two military governments but it’s the same problems and same situations.
SF: Ok , thank you!
OF: You’re welcome!
Paul Robeson -Saraa Fadl
Humans of SLA @ Beeber - Saraa
Interview with my friend Jorge
If you could snap your fingers and make one thing better in the world, what would it be? Why?
It would probably be how LGBT people get treated because I know that there is a lot of homophobic people out there. I don’t really understand why society just views them as bad people because we’re all humans. We all have the same internal organs inside, we’re all the same inside and out. Obviously we can’t ever live in a Utopia but that would mean a lot to me since LGBT gets discriminated a lot just because they’re different.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why?
I would travel to Paris, France because I always wanted to go to the eiffel tower since it’s so famous and beautiful and romantic. It has always been a dream of mine. Or I would go to the place where the next Olympics would be and I would watch them because I don’t really play sports or anything but I like watching them.
What are your goals that you have now? Do you think you are going to be able to achieve those goals before you leave High School?
My goals for now would be to end High School with a really good GPA because I want to go to a good college and be successful in life. I do believe I will be able to achieve my goals before I leave High School since I work hard and my future is very important to me.
Humans of SLA @ Beeber -Saraa
Interview with my dad Osama Fadl
Whatʼs the most exciting thing youʼve done?
Travel to Denmark and Sweden when i was a sophomore in high school and went all the way up to where the sun doesn’t set and there is no rising sun and its continuously sunny 24 hours.
Why did you go there?
I went with my uncle to go for an English course.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why?
Now is Fiji actually.
Where is that?
That's by Australia because I have my best friend there when I was in college, I need to see him if possible.
What’s your biggest regret? Why?
For me, that I didn’t study medicine because its my dream and that’s the only thing I regret right now.And y? because that was something that I planned out but it didn’t work out.
Why didn’t work out? In general it doesn’t have to be specific.
Yes, its just that the requirements. It was hard to get, you know, it was very hard in my country but like there's was only two universities that teach medicine at that time. So that's one thing I had to go up road for medicine it was very difficult you know, to get an admission. Because it was through the ministry of foreign affairs and when I came in here (America) I had to be a citizen, you know, to get a good chance and that was you know there was different reasons in different places that gave me the chance to finish.
Do you think it’s too late to study medicine?
Yes, it’s too late. It needs a lot of effort, a lot of money, no not now.
Tips for Teenagers By: Saraa Fadl, Max Harris, Andre Thomas
Based on the I-Search papers that we completed on teenage development, here are some tips for teenagers to help them be happier and to help them develop in positive ways
Andre: Don’t judge what someone is based on what you think they should be, or what they are not
Saraa: Have a positive mindset that can help you overcome anything, even low self esteem. People who have something in them that they don't like can actually change it instead of looking at it disgustingly.
Max: If you find yourself being influenced in a negative way, realize what you could be getting into, and distance yourself from whatever is influencing you in a negative way.
Yarisnel: Learn how to talk to your parents about certain things that may affect yourself and your parents in the future.
Jorge: Don't care about what people think. Believe in yourself!
Our Connection To A Rose
Cash’e Chapman Jan. 5, 2015
Saraa Fadl East Stream
Artist Statement
A paper rose with lighten thorns. What would it mean to you , and given the information that two young ladies created it. You would probably think they made it because its pretty. But know we critical thought about what we would like to create. We thought of how complex we could really be and think which was more than the stereotype problems of a teenage girl.
We don’t believe in stressing the problems if a boy likes us or not because we know our beauty. We stress the mess of our grades and how we have to straighten them out for college and how it is just one of the four major steps we have to reach success which is what our four thorns represent. High school career, College readiness, College Career, and Society readiness.
When we started this project we instantly thought of what would represent us. This rose does that by expressing the bright future and steps we need to take to get there with each thorn which leads to the last light in the middle of the rose. The rose also represents the beauty in which we take these step as well as our thorns represent the pain we can endure on this difficult journey to success.