Messiah Toure Public Feed
Messiah's Style Handbook!
Inmigración Problemas!
Electric Art Project
The reason I chose this item was very significant. On one hand, I like how “magnetic” designer things are. Despite it just being a name and a brand, people seem to be attracted to it. On the other hand, I’m very interested in lasers and that shaped why I decided to make a “designer” brand that is laser cut out. I’d say this object shows that I’m very materialistic and “object-rich”. However, I think that once you find out my object has a different purpose, you would think I like the intangible things more.
One Point Perspective
My room has many different things in it. It has some designer logos in the room and a skylight. As well as a bed and a Samsung TV. I learned about how different you can draw rooms to give off a different atmosphere. I'm proud of my creativity. I think the posters and TV give it a lot more personality. I wish I erased seems really obvious that I messed up a little bit. My advice is to pay attention to the website telling you how to draw certain objects. It's important!
Finding Oneself
Cell Phone Use Analysis
The purpose of this project is to analyze:
1. The cell phone use of my peers
2. My cell phone use
3. Comparisons between my phone use and my peers
4. The most I've checked my phone in a day
5. The lowest I've checked my phone in a day
6.What I spend time on my phone doing
7. How I multitask
8. How my peers multitask
9. Thoughts on how I can become less addicted to my phone.
10. What can I conclude from the data shown on cell phone use