Wayne's animation on the court

  1. Describe your project
    My project is an animation based on the dancing of a young man that can really move. The boy that i chose from the scratch sprites selection was one of many that had lots of costumes. The project is what happens when a boy dances on a court and takes it over.

  2. What knowledge did you already have about the project before you started?
    I had the knowledge that i wanted to create an animation using scratch. So i looked up some coding animations before hand which gave me the knowledge to create an animation using coding no matter which language, which i had also studied. I had the knowledge of different coding languages such as python which is the hardest coding language to learn.

  3. What new skill did you want to learn coming into the project?
    The new skill i wanted to learn was being able to create an animation. I had no idea on how to make animations before i did my research but after this project i now can create animations. My new skill will enable me to create new and better animations and even go for the harder stuff now.

  4. Did you accomplish the goal of learning this new skill?
    I accomplished the goal of learning this new skill because i used a animation card before, but now i can just create the animation i would like without the use of the cards. Although the cards are pretty helpful, but i still can create my own animation by myself. I can also change my backdrop and edit my sprites whenever i need to.

  5. How do you know you accomplished the goal? If you didn’t accomplish your goal, why do you think that is?
    I know i accomplished my goal because i worked really hard to complete my project. I also have analyzed my new skill well enough that now i can read the coding inside of the animations. I know this skills has been accomplished because i am able to help myself understand the coding.

  6. What other skill(s) did you learn along the way?
    The other skills i learned along the way was that i learned to find research really easily by going on certain websites and taking in the best information. This new skill will be efficient for my next project in this class because a good researcher can accomplish anything.

  7. What are you most proud of in this project?
    I am most proud of how determined i was because even though i had to start over i still finished my entire project in the time we had left. My project itself made me proud because it is my expression of what i like to do.

  8. What would you do differently if you had to do the project over again?

I would not do anything differently, although i might have made sure all my animations were finished before i logged out of scratch.

By: Wayne Stackhouse

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