Tsunami 101

As the name implies this blog post will be about Tsunamis, well not really about them, it's a quick summary of our project. My team and I chose to study the natural disaster known as Tsunami and this research focused mainly on what a Tsunami is, in addition to, how it affects the Atmosphere, Geosphere, Hydrosphere, Cryosphere, Biosphere, and Ionosphere, as well as how these spheres affect the Tsunami. There will be a link below that opens up to piktochart allowing you to view our project. Thank you and enjoy! https://create.piktochart.com/output/32487430-earth-system-research 1. How do the earth systems affect each other? Earth systems affect each other in a cause and effect kind of way, for example, a Tsunami is Caused by an earthquake or volcanic eruption underwater, land, life on land, and sea life are negatively affected by this massive wave. 2. How can an understanding of environmental science aid in handling natural disasters? The better you know your land and the danger that may come with it, the better you are at handling the situation. 3. What efforts can we make to create a sustainable future? Recycle, reduce, reuse, as well as function more with solar panels and we should dim down on releasing smoke from factories as well as releasing smoke from vehicles and we'll be fine.
