Transportation sustainability project

Unit essential questions:

What value do we see in the biodiversity and natural resources of the earth?- The value we see in biodiversity and natural resources, is our way of life. In order to survive and thrive, we need the earths natural resources to provide clean water, air, ecosystems and land.

What human actions are associated with altering earth’s natural systems?- Actions such as Burning fossil fuels, cutting down forests and farming livestock are ways that humans can alter the earths systems.

How can individuals, communities and or nations live more sustainably?- They can live more sustainable by reducing the amount of waste you produce by choosing products with less packaging, reusing items as much as possible, and recycling anything that you can’t reuse.

Reflection questions:

How did this project deepen your understanding of sustainability?- When creating our ideas for our company and prototype, I got a better understanding of how the world can actually help sustainability and improve products for their consumers.

What information about your chosen industry surprised you most? Why?- I was suprised to learn about how much fuel and material is wasted on vehicles and the carelessness that contributes to the production of cars.

How did you contribute to your groups project? Provide specific examples. What were you proud of, in terms of your overall project?- Within our checkpoints, my group split the amount of questions up evenly, so I completed my questions. On top of that, I had full ownership of the physical model. I constructed it, colored it and completed it. I was super proud of drawings because I am not a good artist.

