The Creeper!


Mukhtar Stones



The reason why I chose the Creeper head.

Artist statement:

For this physics project, we had to create an electric art piece, by creating or using whatever we want, that has a meaningful value to us. At first this was hard for me to choose, but then it came to me so clearly, I was going to make my sculpture out of a Creepers head from the video game Minecraft. The reason why I choose to use a Creepers head because it would be simple and easy to make, but the real reason why is because Minecraft is one of my most favorite games, and I take the game highly serious. The game is an online, or single player sandbox world, a sandbox world is a type of game where you can do or create anything you want, and it expands, so you can go to different places and do different things, how ever you like. The Creeper is a monster from the video game that only spawns at night, and if it sees you it will chase, and when it gets close to you it explodes, thus killing you in the game. There are also other terrifying monsters in the game. I chose to do the creeper because it is my favorite and also one of the most terrifying monsters, plus I just thought it be really cool to make a creeper head. This creeper head means alot to me because, I really love the game, I even consider the video game to be part of my life because I just really love it. The creeper represents my love for the video game and the mob itself, this game shows that I am also a huge fan of video games.

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