social media survival guide

         In my opinion, when I am online I am myself. I act/communicate the way I would I would if someone seen me in person. I do not cyberbully anyone else and stick to myself on my social media accounts. I don’t specifically know what other people think of me when I am online but maybe people think I am quiet because I dont post alot or interact with alot of people online. When I am online, I do consider what I post most of the time. I make sure it’s nothing violent,rude a threat to others, etc. Or even if it's a picture of me I make sure it's not too explicit etc. because media gets around fast and I don't want a stranger or anyone to see something of me I didn't want them to see. Anything you post on social media doesn't go away so you have to watch what you post. There are many pros and cons online for example you can promote something online but just know it'll be shared all over social media which means everyone can see it. Lack of control can take a big part when you're online. For example, if you post a status or even a photo after that it's not in your control anymore. Even if you delete it you can find your post anywhere on different websites, google etc. Some colleges/jobs look at your social media accounts to see who you are outside of being professional. It's important to know who your identity is online.

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