Second Project Reflection


Art Elective Project Reflection

Please answer the questions below. Do not delete the prompts!

  1. Describe your project

    1. My project is liek I said a reflective piece. My piece is sort of like an illusion. I say that because you can see the main piece in two ways. It can be seen as a tree with colorful; leaves or an women face with a colorful afro. I did it like this because they go together because its like in the future I want to be and want my husband to see me as a natural african queen. On the sides are like fog clouds surrounded with birds and smoke. I put that because its like I don't want my life plan is but I hope its surrounded with peaceful and get rid of all the negativity.

  2. What knowledge did you already have about the project before you started?

    1. Besides my research on finger painting, the only knowledge I had was that I knew was that I wanted this to be a reflective piece representing what I am and what I want to be.

  3. What new skill did you want to learn coming into the project?

    1. I wanted to learn how to come out of my comfort zone with the images I do. What I mean is that I wanted to more than the basic drawings that I do and mature my pieces a little more.

  4. Did you accomplish this goal?

    1. I believe that I did accomplish this goal because I feel like my piece was very creative and mature because of the meaning behind it.

  5. How do you know you accomplished the goal? If you didn’t accomplish the goal, why do you think that is?

    1. I believe I accomplished the piece because like I stated above, the meaning behind the image, and the multiple pieces that on the canvas, and they all add up together.

  6. What other skill(s) did you learn along the way?

    1. While doing this, I learned that more thoughts/ideas come to mind when you're in the actual process of completing the piece. Like when I was doing this, I already had dow and knew what I wanted but as I continued, more thoughts and ideas co=came together to incorporate into the canvas.

  7. What are you most proud of in this project?

    1. In this project, i think I'm most proud of actually completing this and it being what I wanted plus it looked better than I imagined it would.

  8. What would you do differently if you had to do the project over again?

    1. If I had to do this project over, I think I would practice more finger painting methods because you can see some of the places that my fingers went across.
