Quarter 2 Art Project - Aliya Rouine

My painting originally started out as a sketch I drew outside of school.  I really liked it so I decided to make it my painting. I am not sure if I necessarily had an overall vision of how the finished product would turn out.  I think my work communicates patience and effort for my viewers.  I could only use three color and I had to shade everything correctly.  Something I feel I achieved was learning how to shade better and limit myself to all colors.  I feel this work compares to other work I have done in the past because the bright colors.  Something I like to do is paint with bright colors.  Contemporary art is ard produced in this day and age.  By doing some research I found an artist who did a similar piece to mine. She painted some lemons in a jar.http://ind5.ccio.co/PB/g6/W2/38c342a6b70dc8f200f8ee49dcc91328.jpg  

I chose this piece because they were both of fruit and had similar shadings to mine and they were both pictures of fruit.  Also thread the sketch then I traced it onto a harder canvas top colors used were similar to mine. The first thing I did was make a color chart of the three colors I used.  This showed how each color would look mixed with one another.  I then traced my drawing onto a canvas to start painting.  Then I painted, I made sure the shading was right to make it look more realistic.  I did not really have inspiration to paint this.  I just saw the pic online and tried recreating it.  I feel my work reflects the world we live in because it represents holding on to the important things.  I feel an apple can represent  It makes an impact on the world because it shows the simple beauty in everyday objects.  A technique that is really important to the work is shading.  Before I shaded my hands and apple looked weird and unrealistic.  Adding the shading really made them pop.  Something I learned was how to shade better and make things look more 3 dimensional.  I am really glad I got to do this project.  It made me explore what just three colors have to offer.  They do a lot more than you think.  Also I got to paint one of my favorite sketches and see it turn into a beautiful piece of artwork.  

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