Q 4 Project

  • A description of the project you chose to revise, why you chose it, and the process you went through revising it

I chose to revise my CodeHS project.I chose this project because I knew that when I was doing this project before it was incomplete. The process I followed to revise it was to do level 11 which I did not complete. To complete level 11 I had to create If/else statements. An If/else statement is to do something if the condition is true or do something else if it is false.

  • An overview of each of your project from each quarter including visuals

    • The project type

    • The overall vision and goal(s) of the project

    • Was the project successful? Why? Why not?

In my Q 1 project I created a website that includes information about me, my accomplishments, and a resume. This project was successful except for my resume because I still need to build on that. My goals were to make anyone who is reading about me learn who I am in the shortest and the most easy time possible.

For my Q2 project I went on CodeHS and learned how to code. I went through different lessons that went the the foundations of coding. My goals was to finish all lessons but, only got to lesson 10. I feel as though the project was successful because I learned a ton but wasn't because I didn’t finish all the lessons.

For my Q3 project I created a game which I had to use the foundations of coding. My goal was to create a game and show people what I did and how to play it. This project was a failure because I hit the power cord and I lost everything and had to start all over. I didn’t have enough time to redo it and my game was incomplete.

For my revision project I had to make a revision on one of my projects and I chose codeHS. My goal was to complete lesson 11. It was a success because I did complete it. I had more than enough time to complete it which helped me get it done.

  • My high point of the course was Coding. Using Codehs made it fun for me and made me interested in coding.

  • My growth is from coding. Through coding there is many challenges you will encounter but there is a way around it. I learned that if I want it bad enough I can overcome anything.

  • This helped me consider coding as a profession. It is a job demanding job. People want it and not a lot of people do it.

  • Next year I would build something with code.

  • Stay on top of your work

  • Go to class

  • Follow directions
