q3 reflection

What value do we see in the biodiversity and natural resources of the earth?

The Earth’s biodiversity and natural resources are super important because they provide many benefits for humanity. They provide essential ecological services, such as pollination and water purification, while also offering economic benefits through resources.

What human actions are associated with altering Earth’s natural systems?

Human activities have had a huge impact on Earth’s natural systems, precipitating environmental degradation and biodiversity loss. Deforestation for agricultural expansion, industrial and agricultural pollution, overexploitation of resources, and the emission of greenhouse gases

How can individuals, communities, and or nations live more sustainably?

Embracing sustainability requires a multifaceted approach at the human population and national levels. It necessitates conscientious consumption practices, advocating for conservation initiatives and protected areas, adopting sustainable agricultural techniques, environmental advocacy, policy reforms to prioritize sustainability, and fostering collaborative efforts to address environmental challenges.

How did this project deepen your understanding of sustainability?

This project made me research a topic which gave me a better understanding as to what it is. I had to look at the pros and cons of different methods and benefits that come with this topic and I now understand why transportation isn’t sustainable.

What information about your chosen industry surprised you most? Why?

The information that surprised me the most was how easy it would be to come up with a sustainable way to keep transportation yet there haven’t been any major changes made by any officials.

How did you contribute to your group’s project? Provide specific examples. What were you proud of, in terms of your overall project?

I contributed a lot to the group’s work, especially for the checkpoints. I did a lot of the research and I came up with the plan to use the solar panels and make a car brand. I also set up the slides.
