Q2 Project Limited Palette Painting

​    For the Second Quarter, we were able to choose what we wanted our project to be and I decided I wanted to do Limited Palette Painting. Which we had to create a painting using no more than 5 colors but we were able to mix the colors up to make more different colors. What I created was the rose in the glass vase from The beauty and the Beast and on the top, it says “Tale as old as time”. The five colors I used were blue, red, yellow, black and white. I believed that using the basic colors were the better route. I made my own canvas. I use a medium size block of wood and I use this fabric for the paint to go on. I decided to create this paint of the rose in the glass vase because The Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney princess movie. The background of the painting suppose to be a galaxy night. The top is black going into blue and then into purple. Then it’s the vase with the rose and some petals are falling off inside. The rose is outline red and is painted pink. The vase is traced with black. The quote is traced with yellow.  I first made my own canvas and next, I drew out the rose with the glass vase. Which was not that hard to draw. Next, I started the painting. It was a bit difficult because of the way the brushes were. They weren’t very helpful. I didn’t paint the background where the rose it at because I’m scared if I paint it, I would mess it up. So I left it white. 
The tools I basically used to do this was just a pencil,l paint brushes, paint, and paint markers.
What I’m most proud of about this project would be that I did my own canvas and that I liked the way I drew out the rose with the glass vase. If there is a chance I can change something I would change the way I used the brushes or get other brushes that would be better. 
In conclusion, I learned that creating a piece like this is pretty tough because you have to be careful when tracing lines and also when coloring it in is pretty hard. I believe if I had better brushes it could’ve come out better. 
