Q1 Project: Website Design

The project I have made was a website that would talk about me and the two projects I did. The project that I have attempted to do was an electricity project that requires that we have to add lights to something that was meaningful. I gained to learn more about electricity and circuits. Another project I showcased was a spanish restaurant project. I was working on the design part of the project where I designed the top of the restaurant. I learned the business of making a project.

The project took a relatively long time. Or at least it felt like it. The process of completing the checkpoints we were given were easy and all, but the amount of time we were given made it seem longer. I took pictures that I had recently of myself and projects that I liked and remembered and created the website.

The success that I encountered was the making of my website. By that I meant  making look appealing and interesting. I failed to follow the way my outline of my website looked like. But I did do my best to match what it would look like. Some images were also hard to upload on to the website.

What I actually ended up learning in the project was how to launch an appealing and organized website.

What I learned about myself when I was trying to complete this project was the amount of accomplishments that I’ve done in my life so far.

If I were to do this project differently, I would choose two different and more project for the project section. And I would add much more drawings too.

I do not have any hints or tips to tell you about making this project accept asking yourself what would you honestly want to see in a website.

This project inspired me to get started on the next Multi Media and Design project.

  • Proper citations for any work that is not yours

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