Sustainably Project. (PTE.Co)

Biodiversity and natural resources provide a wide range of values that are essential for sustaining life on Earth, supporting human well-being, and maintaining ecological honor. Some human activities that alter the heart’s natural system are pollution, deforestation, urbanization, and over-extraction of natural resources. Individuals can live more sustainably by minimizing waste, conserving resources, practicing sustainable transport (walking, bike, bus) or even just simply spreading education and knowledge to come together as a community to make a change.

This project deepens my understanding of sustainability by giving an insight into how we can change different systems to be more sustainable. Such as healthcare, business workplaces, and transportation. This project also allowed me to apply what I already know to create a theoretical situation that can be potentially beneficial to the environment. Something that surprised me about the industry I chose ( healthcare) was that hospitals use up to 8 billion dollars worth of money on electricity. I’m assuming it’s because of the electricity and the number of rooms they have, but that was just shocking to me because that’s quite a lot of money. Also to think there are more than 100 hospitals in Philadelphia, together they probably spend trillions. Very shocking… I contributed to my group by pitching in ideas for each checkpoint lot also created our whole physical presentation and did it myself. I’m proud of how our project turned out, everyone knew what we were presenting so our presentation went smoothly. I am also proud of how we executed the information of our physical model.
