Physics Electric Arts Project - Jack Kleiner

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For my sculpture, I decided to build a model of the solar system. It consists of the four terrestrial planets and the four gaseous planets as well as the sun. Each planet and the sun are made of styrofoam balls of varying sizes. I wanted to make the planets proportioned correctly (e.g. Jupiter is the size it would be in comparison to the sun), but unfortunately that would be rather difficult, so instead I got it as close to possible by buying four different sized balls. I used medium sized styrofoam balls for the planets Venus, Earth, Uranus, and Neptune, very small ones for Mercury and Mars, large ones for Jupitar and Saturn, and an even larger one for the sun. Each model of the celestial objects has one light bulb inside of it, each of them being connected in a parallel circuit. This is all on top of a square wooden base painted black with white dots representing stars.
I decided to do a model of the solar system because I personally am very interested in the space sciences, specifically astrophysics. I thought it would pretty cool if I were to build a model of something I personally am very fond of and intrigued by. Although it didn’t turn out exactly how I had originally pictured it, it still turned out just as amazing and had just as much quality as I wanted it to have.

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