Our electric art project By Jacqueline And Alyssa

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The objects we chose to use in our project were a cardboard flower which Jacqueline created, and a protist stuffed animal which Alyssa created. We chose to use these things because we wanted to use projects created in school that were meaningful to us. We decided to place the protist stuffed animal on Jacqueline’s flower sideways, so that we could set the flower down when lit. We tied the stuffed animal to the flower using the protist’s strings, because glue or staples might have ruined the flower, and tape would not work.

Lights were placed in the center of the flower to make it stand out, and lights were placed on the “ears” of the protist to allow it to stand out in the dark. The bright colors of the protist contrast the the brown cardboard of the flower, though in the dark it needed something to stand out, with all of the lights in the flower. It almost resembles a koala or cat resting on a flower. Its whiskers resemble a cat’s, though on the flower it could be mistaken for a koala climbing a tree.

The flower represents hidden beauty, because even though it has duller colors, it is still a beautiful flower. The protist stuffed animal was shaped like a type of animal on purpose, to represent Alyssa’s love of animals. Combined, this creates a project with a deeper meaning. Even though at first glance you may not be able to tell what the project is, but once you hear the story behind you may come to understand the true meaning behind the project.

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