Natural Disasters and Earth System Research

Screenshot 2017-09-20 at 9.34.27 AM
Screenshot 2017-09-20 at 9.34.27 AM
My group worked on the affect of wildfires to the ecosystem, in my group I worked on how the wildfires affect the geosphere. The geosphere is considered the inner portion of the Earth system including, rocks, minerals, landforms and the processes that shape the Earth's surface. 
It causes the interior structure to catch on fire and things be burned down into ashes, such as trees and lands. 
Positive way the burnt ashes of the trees, has minerals and vitamins in it to make the ground even richer.

Extreme heat from the sun and humid heat coming together and cause fires to start. Also lightning strikes hitting trees causing fires to start. According to pacific bio “Approximately 90% of fires in the last decade have been human-caused, either through negligence, accident or intentional arson. Some of the fires caused by accidents and negligent acts are through unattended campfires, sparks, irresponsibly discarded cigarettes and burning debris. The remaining 10% of fires are caused by lightning strikes, which are especially prevalent in the Western United States and Alaska.”
We can prevent it by being more careful when we are in the wilderness with fire, make sure you put out your fires. Be careful with extreme heat or any campfire, makes sure we don't have it catch anything flammable on fire. Don't throw away any waste that cause an instant combustion.

“Fire regime refers to the patterns of fire that occur over long periods of time, and the immediate effects of fire in the ecosystem in which it occurs.”
