My Website

Link to website: (just copy and paste into search bar)

My project is all about me. It talks about things about me, my resume, and a project I did last year. My goal throughout this project was to tell everyone some things about me. What I hoped to learn throughout this project was how to create a website and all the different parts of a website. And I did learn those two things. To make this website, I first had to find a website. I had one at first but I decided to change it. After that, I had to create my Home page, About Me page, Resume page, and Project page. I then added information on the pages and I was done. One failure I had was that my first website deleted all my stuff so I had to use another website. What I learned besides the other two things about my website is that you always need a backup plan. What I learned about myself is that I learned I have more accomplishments than I thought. If I was to do this project differently, I would add more pictures. A tip I would tell others doing this project is make you have another website just in case your first website doesn’t work out. This project didn’t really inspire me although it was fun. I think the message dictated the medium because this entire project was about me.

Screenshot 2016-11-01 at 8.31.41 AM
Screenshot 2016-11-01 at 8.31.41 AM
