My Survival Guide

Who I believe I am while I am online is a silly independent young women. I post funny images and appealing videos. I also believe that I am seen as serious but yet still playful. I like to do things for myself and have a good time while doing so.

I think people perceive me as a woman who fights alone. This woman has multiple personalities that describe her depending on how her day is going. One moment she could be a ball of joy and the next she might catch fire. That is how I think people perceive me.

Before I post something online I think about who it might offend. If it might be rude to some people or if they might get a kick out of it.

A pro of sharing is that it might make someone's day and make them laugh a bit. A con of sharing is that it might offend someone. That is why i have to consider what I am doing before I post.

How it has impacted our lives is simple. Nobody really pays attention to what they are posting or saying online which is lack of control. Even when you go to delete something you never have control of deleting because you never know who might have it, it’s permanent. As soon as you post something you do not have time to think about what you are doing or not being able to think twice. It happens in an instance and you can not do anything about it. Once it is uploaded it is there, forever. Since the internet works how it does it has changed everyone involved in it. It has taken away the meaning of living. Rarely anyone reads the newspaper for sports or important stories. People rather look at their friends latest status update. Now a days if you do something without technology it's the old fashion way, technology is the new fashion.

Free speech to me is being able to speak your mind but watching what you say doesn't offend someone. Free speech with not be protected if it were to offend or cause someone harm. Posting your thoughts is fine because that is free speech. Posting something that is trying to harm someone intentionally is not protected.

After reading my survival guide I hope you have learned something. In my opinion the only three tips you should really pay attention to "who are you when you are online", "what do you consider before posting" and "what is free speech." These are the most important and will have the biggest impact on your life. You should pay close attention.

Comments (5)

Starr Latimer (Student 2019)
Starr Latimer

Sarah I think it's really mature of you to think about not only how a post affects you, but how it affects the people viewing it as well, and I'm sure that your followers appreciate that silly and independent woman.

Indigo Burton (Student 2019)
Indigo Burton

Like this post because it seems like you have put a lot of thought in to it and its very unique when you put it to others. I like how you spoke your mind freely and told everything to your point.

Shaylyn Westmoreland (Student 2019)
Shaylyn Westmoreland

Thank you Sarah for including a about yourself. You really reflected on who you are based on the internet and what people think of you. I think that viewing yourself in the eyes of the public will help you better consider your appearance online

Lourdes Blazquez (Student 2019)
Lourdes Blazquez

Wow! I like your confidence in the first sentence. I agree with you on your feelings towards free speech. Why do you feel those are the most important things you explained? Great job.