Linoleum Cut Art

The reason why I’ve created this artwork is because when you approach Linoleum cut you will noticed that it only consist of one color black. Because of this I decided to do a fish yin-yang because I thought that it would be great for this project, and as it turned out it went as I imagined it would. My overall vision for my work was to be precise and cautious about my work because it was my first time doing linoleum cut so I wanted my work to be spectacular. But I was hoping to achieve a fish yin-yang through the creation of my work and that's what I got. I think that what my work communicates to the viewers approaching it is that they will look at the colors and shapes and their first thought would be “ooh this is a yin-yang how cool” and hopefully they cherish it. I think that I achieved many things in this project, some which were completing it on time, measuring how paint I needed for my piece of art to be readable, by readable I mean so that they can noticed that it's a yin-yang as soon as they walk up to it.

My current work relates to my previous work because some drawing had to be done so I could  then print my image and start cutting out the areas I did not need. My art work fits with Sun Xun because in one of his drawing there’s a man staring towards a wall and it looks as if some of the lines were carved out. Also it looks similar to what I did, he also used black paint only to create his piece of art. I used three tools to accompany my work. NIJI woodcarving knives was what I used to finish my work, the v-knife I used to carve out the small inspections, the regular knife was to cut next to the lines that were going to be black, and the half oval knife which I used to carve out the rest of which was going to be white. . Something that inspired me to do this yin-yang was watching a movie when I was a child called “kung-fu panda.” I guess you can say that my work reflects my life because I like to do things nicely and with perfection.

This art piece does not reflect my area where I live. Also my experiences it does reflect it a bit because I like playing with sharp things and caring things and woods. My work can influence or make an impact on the world because others might look at it and inspire others to do it. Certain techniques I used was not heating it up because it took to much of my time to soften it so I decided to just carve without heating it up because it was faster. The technique I learned was to not heat it up because it took much more time to complete my work.

In conclusion I think I did well and I hope that whoever views my linoleum cut painting enjoys viewing it. Also I hope that they can tell that my goal was to do a fish yin-yang. That was my overall goal.

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