Limited Palette Watercolor Painting

Within my artwork I chose the limited palette theme. I decided on about five different colors like blue, red, green, orange and golden yellow. I decided my artwork should be based in a childlike character so I recreated Ariel from the little mermaid by first creating a  sketch. For the sketch I only used a paper, pencil, and eraser. Then, I used some transformation paper so my rough sketch can lay on my final copy. I decided my painting will be created by watercolors trying different techniques with the amount of water or paint used and how I painted I created my art piece.

My artwork would be described as Ariel sitting on a rock under the sea with green shrubs and goldfish. She has her red hair, her green tail and purple shells for her top, and the blue fill in for the water. I chose this as my art piece to describe that no matter how old I get I will always love disney movies. This artwork relates to my previous work because it is always calming and childlike. With creating this piece I first sketched my art piece in my sketchbook about two times and then transformed my rough sketch to my final copy and began painting with watercolor going over my artwork three times so the color and lines show. An artist who is similar to my artwork is Marcelo Gandhi. I think an important technique was the way I painted because the way the water looked as if it flowed all in one direction, it was clean and put together. A new technique was the amount of water or paint used so that the lines or shape could stick out more to the eye rather than all blend in. I am most proud of the effort and time I put into this artwork. I would change the portion size of my project, adding more to it. Through this project I learned that with even maybe four or fives different colors an art piece can still be created.

Imani Gonzalez Mermaid
Imani Gonzalez Mermaid
