Learn - Create - Lead.

Creativity while learning makes me a person of knowledge, stress, and art. I find myself a very adventurous. I am driven to exceed and explore all the aspects of learning. When you learn your acquiring knowledge you may not know. So being educated in the sense of something I love makes me feel at home. Not the typical paper pen. Digging deeper to see what truly can be conquered inside. Without my creativity I would be plain. Disgusting right. However, just because being creative is something I have a passion for doesn’t mean I don’t lose my mind. When it comes to school I feel myself under distress when I'm time crunched with work that isn’t just something that can be typed. Even with stress I still love it. O boy I love exploring something I find exotic. It makes me who I am today. A African American who’s inspired by the innovators of my generation. Makes more with less.

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