La Poesía Española

Domenick DeAngelis La Poesía Española_Q3 Individual Project #1 (1)
This project was by far the best project ever! For this project we had to pick a poet, analyze their poems and life, then we had to make our own poem based off of theirs, in Spanish! I thought it was so cool learning about the poets life and everything he had to over come. It was, also, amazing to read about his poem and how it related to his life. I think I learned so much from this project because of all the Spanish reading I was doing of different poems! While, all the other parts were amazing I really liked writing my own poem in Spanish, even though it was hard to get my ideas across in Spanish, I think I got my point across. While it was annoying to try and write a poem in Spanish I think it just made me such a better Spanish writer and reader. If I had to take away one thing from this project it would be to always start early as it will show on your grade! One thing I would do different is read directions a little bit more clearly as I misread one assignment for this project, which caused me to get that part wrong. Overall, amazing project would love to do something like this again! (Click on document to see the full thing)
