Internet Survival Guide

  1. The internet changed communication because back then you had to do more stuff to get in touch with somebody or contact them, now all you have to do is push one button.

     2.  Immediacy is like when you post something it could get around fast. Permanence is when you post something it would forever be permanent it will always be always be on the internet. Lack of Control is like if you post something and someone screenshots it before you delete it you lose control of what you posted even if you didn’t mean to i guess someone could post it or do whatever with it.

     3. Two ways you can manage and protect your identity online is never putting personal information on the internet or any social media sites. You can use a nickname or anything. Protecting yourself offline is like being who you are online and offline so there won’t be no problem with catfish and stuff.

      4. In my opinion i don’t think the internet has rules but social media does like if you were to buy a new computer right now when you open it it won’t have a page of rules but then again i really don’t know because there are rules and regulations to the internet.

    5. To me cyberbullying means when someone is getting embarrassed or humiliated thru the internet thru technology or a mobile device.

   6. Two kinds of cyber bullying is harassment and threatening , harassment is like intimidating someone online or someway thru the internet. Threatening someone is like harming someone thru the internet.

   7. Bullies don’t bully, Bystanders don’t watch they get help, Victims stand up for there themselves.


