Spooky Forest

I created the linoleum cut because I simply wanted to try something different. I felt like it was something I didn’t think I could do so I wanted to try it. I wanted to create an image that people could make up their own story from. It is an image people can interpret in their own way. I think people would mostly see it as something spooky. Something you would see in a cartoon movie where kids are  trick or treating on a Halloween night and go into a forest for more of an adventure. Doing this project I think I created more of an imaginative mind for myself. I feel like my work doesn’t relate to my previous work because I feel like my previous work wasn’t much creative. I think my art relates more to David Hockney art because he did a lot of landscape art with painting of trees, woods, and towns with farms land. I feel like that is the type of art I was working towards.

Linoleum cut process was easy. First I had to sketch out an idea of what I wanted to crave and I had to make sure the image would be able to fit on the linoleum so that was challenging. After sketching the picture I had to print it on the linoleum using carbon paper. When it printed on the linoleum I then had to go over the image a black sharpie marker. Then I had to heat up the linoleum with a iron so that it would be easy to crave. The I began to carve the part of my image that wasn’t gone over with the sharpie. After I was finish craving I then had to print my image on a piece of paper using ink and a roller to roll the ink over my image so that it will print of the paper.

My inspiration while doing this picture was a picture of David Hockney’s named The Road Across the Wolds, 1997. My work reflects the world I live in because it allows artist to branch off and try things they aren’t really use to doing when it comes to art. It can make artist realize that they aren’t just creating a picture and that it is more to what they are doing. A technique that is important that I learned is drawing the image out on paper before you print it on the linoleum because it helps you be sure that the image will fit.
