Humans of SLA Beeber; Mr. Hussey


Question #1: What’s your earliest memory?

Answer: “Um, earliest memory, wow, the earliest one I could think of that I remember like vividly was being in, ah, like preschool, like really, really young school, and they were projecting a movie on the wall, and it was like a superman thing flying around, and everyone had to like fly around the superman, and I ended up getting dizzy and sick from doing it.  That was one of my earliest memories. I was probably like 4 at the time, 3 or 4.”

Question #3: Describe your perfect day.

Answer: “Perfect day, uh, get up early and, uh, go to the Italian market in Philadelphia, get a whole bunch of stuff that I want to cook that day, bring it back and I would probably get a nice, uh, big piece of pork or beef, and I would use a smoker, and I would do like a slow cook for like 8 hours and then I would sit outside and read a book for that entire time.  That’s like an ideal day for me right there.  And at the end, of course, have friends over and enjoy the meal.”

Question #5: What does your future hold?

Answer: “My future would be figuring out how to be a better teacher at SLA, because there is a lot of work that goes into doing it, and everyday it’s either a good day or a bad day, and I try to like stop having as many bad days, and keep on having more of the good days.  That’s what I want to do, and maybe I’ll get good enough that I could try to teach somebody else how to do it as well, that would probably be what I want to push for.”
