Humans Of SLA Beeber- Aiesha Langley

Aiesha Langley

2015-04-17 12.29.12.png

Q: If you could snap your fingers and make one thing better in the world, what would it be? Why?

A:” My wish would be to end violence thats happening in the world because many people are getting hurt and even killed, and it’s not safe anymore…”

Q:Who has been the biggest influence on your life?

A: “ My grandmother has been the biggest influence on my life  because she makes me view the world differently and also my father because he made a huge impact in  my life.”

Q: What does your future hold?

A: “My future holds, me becoming a full time college student, studying to become a Occupational Therapist.”

Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 20 years?

A: “ In 10-20 years I see myself as accomplishing my goal, and becoming a Professional Occupational Therapist.”
