Humans of SLA Beeber : Hector



Whatʼs the most exciting thing youʼve done?

Hmm that, that tuff but umm if i had to chose one thing my top one of the most exciting things i've done would have to be the sky coaster that i did in philadelphia i mean in florida what's wrong with me not Philadelphia cause it like 300 ft tall  and it this string not a string but a wire that brings you up to this humongous poll and drops you it like one of the closes thing i've done to like jumping out of a plain , but yeah that has to be one of the most exciting things i've done.

What are the most important lessons youʼve learned in life?

Umm i can just pick one  like the most obvious  one to me  was , i have learned that no matter what im doing i should always strive to be the best it because if like, because if not then what's the point in wasting your time in something, if you're just meeting expectations then you're  just being average and anyone can be average  

What was the happiest most of your life?

(Laughs) well  , okay, umm that's really tough , umm but if i to pick one i would say that it would be  when i was around the age of 7 my family would have this tradition of going to  Blue Marsh lake to celebrate my cousin summer birthdays, umm there was always someone you couldn't make it, but this specific time everyone was there it was the most fun i had ever had with my family, because it was the only time i could see all my family smile


If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why?

If  i had to travel to one place in the world it was be the himalayas because like it someone that you get a good view you somewhere you can just stop and have a good view.

Whatʼs the best thing about being a teenager? The worst?

Umm the best thing i would say is that i know i have many years to come know you because im young , the worst thing i would say is that i know that i  don't know what lies ahead which is kinda scary

What are you proudest of in your life?

The thing i  would say in most proudest of just happen a  few days ago when i was actually was about to run a 5k without stopping. Befor that i had underestimating my mindset and when i finished it i got stronger which was why i joined students style philly run.


What does your future hold?

O okay well i obviously can tell you what going to happen in exact detail but what i can assure is that theres going to be way more excitement adventure, and like, i just know its going to be big

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 20 years?

In 10 year i going to be graduating college with my doctoral degree and in 20 ill probably be somewhere in the himalaya
