Humans of SLA Beeber: Elizabeth


The member of SLA I interview is Elizabeth


Me: What are the most important lesson you learn in life.

Elizabeth: Okay, so I will be answer this question in two parts, Okay so I grow up in a household Where my mother always told me That umm if you work hard in life you will be successful. You will do good  and umm I also grow up in life Where it’s a quote they say uh  she would say uh “ Do your best and forget the rest, another quote is “ Shoot for the moon even if you try”Thats my favorite quote. Umm and like I been doing that and umm another thing that I learn is like you know as us teenager in high school, and we want to hang out with our friends. But you also have to remember at the end of the day   getting your education is more important and if you know you want to be successful in life your just gonna do what you have to do.

Me: Okay how would you like to be remember in life?

Elizabeth: Umm I am not trying to be cocky or anything, I feel like I pick myself out there to be remember i am the type of person that Talks to everybody If you are like by yourself, I am gonna be like hey like Hey my name is liz

Me: You feel like you earned it. Like to be remember

Elizabeth: Umm not really  Not really I feel like saying I feel like I'm just I am not the type of person that’s like very shy and all that I am like a very outgoing person i like to meet new people so I feel like when meeting these people they will be like oh i know you. If i would want to be remembered I would want to do something meaningful.
