Humans of SLA Beeber: Christian

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Wendi: “What is the best thing about being a teenager?”

“Cristian: I think that the best thing about being a teenager is honestly the bragging rights over my sister.”

Wendi: “Describe your perfect day.”

Cristian: “Skateboarding and eating burritos with my uncle.”

Wendi: “What are your goals and ambitions for the future?”

Cristian: “I want to go to college after high school, I don’t know what I want to go for or what I’m going to do after.”

Wendi: "How do you want to be remembered?"

Cristian: "I want to be remembered as a person who makes other people happy."

Wendi: "What are your goals and ambitions for the future?"

Cristian: "I want to go to college after high school, I don’t know what I want to go for or what I’m going to do after."

Wendi: "What is the worst thing about being a teenager?"

Cristian: "I think the worst thing is the realization of danger, when I was younger I wasn’t afraid of much. But now when I go back to these places I realize how dangerous these things that I was doing actually are."
