Food Insecurity PSA

Provide a summary of the contents of your video and a rationale for why YOU chose this topic, in paragraph form.

For our video, we looked at the problem of food insecurity when people don’t have enough affordable, healthy food to eat. We interviewed someone who doesn’t have enough food for their family and kids. To which they talked about the stress of not knowing if there will be food on the table. We also shared some important facts, for example; 1 out of every 8 households in the U.S. doesn’t have access to enough food, and it’s even worse for Black and Latino families. I picked this topic because food insecurity affects millions of people, but it’s often hidden and ignored. These people are being neglected by the government when we actually have ways to make sure everyone has enough to eat. So, being able to be a voice for the people who aren’t heard with an issue like this seemed very important, which is why ultimately I chose this topic.

What did you do well and what could you have done differently?

Don’t think that anything went “well.” I feel as though if my group had more time and didn’t procrastinate as much we could’ve put together a way better video with more information that was also engaging. With that being said, if I were to do anything differently, I would do everything in a timely manner and map out and plan everything before actually doing it.

What was the most meaningful part of the experience of creating the PSA?

To me, the most meaningful part of the experience was being able to advocate for an issue that is not really spoken about often, and that even the government has ignored. Before we learned about the subject in school I had never heard of it, which is kinda crazy to me. Also, just being able to learn more about the subject and educate myself on the issue, causes, and who it effects was also pretty meaningful as well.
