"Fauvism and Natural Hair"

As an artist, I create art to demonstrate the meaning of self expression and freedom. I hope to achieve the gift of attracting someone to explore that art world, who doesn’t like art. My goal when creating art is to do something out of usual or express creativity. I started off thinking art was just for people who loved to draw, but art is for anyone who loves to create the unexpected like me!

Part of my process before I begin any of my art is to think about what I like and to research any type of art that fits this category. The techniques I utilize is if the art form matches a part of my identity.

My current piece I’ve just created is “Fauvism and Natural Hair.” I created the theme of the piece by taking my love for watching natural hair videos on YouTube and how the art form of fauvism is so colorful. I am attempting to show how beautiful and free spirited women with natural hair all. I used various colors because fauvism is known for being full of vivid colors. I made a woman with natural curly hair on one side of my canvas and straight hair on the other. The colors also showed how fierce women with natural hair are.

As an artist, I try to just gather all my current emotions into a funky idea for an art piece.
