Fast Plants

  1. Did the F2 generation look like how you predicted them to look? It didn’t come out how I predicted they would’ve looked because they never grew.

  2. Did the parent generation or the F2 generation grow faster? Yes the parent generation grew faster.

  3. What might have hindered your plants' ability to thrive? I think the environment with them being so close to other plants may have hindered their growth.

  4. How do genetics and the environment affect the phenotype of an organism? Genetics affect your base phenotype(default look) and the environment affects what it may look like based on what happens.

  5. Which is a greater indicator of how an organism will look? I think in some cases genetics if the conditions are the same but if a mishap were to occur then the environment is most likely at fault.

  6. A summary of what stood out to you during this course and why.

Over the course of this project we grew plants. We checked out the phenotype and genotype of each plant to see how well those plants would grow. I think overall I enjoyed seeing the growth of other group’s plants. I think this was outstanding how their plants were able to thrive and ours weren’t. With this happening it brought up questions such as “Why did this happen?” or “What are they doing differently”.

