Fast Plant Reflection

When getting ready to conduct the second fast plant experiment I expected the offspring's to take after the parent with the dominant genes but the plants never made it so I was never able to see through to this assumption. When I first took the seeds there were 3 seeds with mini buds and I was surprised because I couldn't wrap my head around their growth due to them not being put in a proper environment yet, as well as not having their needs met (Sunlight/Water). From this if the growth of the F2 generation were successful I would say they would have had a quicker growth then their parents. Through this quick summary and the photo one can quickly realize the F2 generation plants did not make it and this maybe because heat and not enough water. When watering your plants you should look out for hot temperatures and you should do this because it evaporates the water which prevents your plant from taking in the water, which leads to your plant dying from thirst. When looking at growth it's not only you parents that affect your appearance, it's also the environment and this can be due to climate, diet, etc. The greater impact the environment has on your genes, the more suitable the environment, so for example civilians of Africa one thing we notice is their dark skin and this is due to the environment. Their dark skin helps protect them from taking any real damage from the suns strong UV Rays. With all that said something that stood out to me was how plants can not only go through photosynthesis but also cellular respiration. This stands out to me because the plants can create their own energy instead of taking it in from the sun. 
