
The way that indigenous plants and the culture be preserved as a whole is by having more classes teach these kind of things. This information can be shared amongst students at the grade level of 5th grade and could teach it again in sophomore year of high school. There could be special schools days where they acknowledge indigenous culture and spend a day or however long they want to spend celebrating and cultivating that culture. Plant anatomy affects plant physiology because plants need to be structurally strong so that it can do certain features; a plant that thrives in rainy conditions and is built for humid areas such as the rainforest isn't going to work the same if it was suddenly put in a environment like a desert, it wouldn’t survive. Humans interactions affects a plants ability to adapt to changing climates if it’s a plant that is always in a constant environment. If a plant is always being nurtured by having constant light and being given water at certain times throughout the day the plant will never have to experience a drought of water or sometimes not seeing the sun. Since the plant is in a constant environment it will always know only that constant.
