Electric Art Project (Puerto Rican Flag)

  • For our benchmark project we decided to light up a Puerto Rican flag.  Our idea was inspired by the hurricane that happened a few months ago that left the island of Puerto Rico with no electricity by us lighting this flag we are representing hope to those families without light and to the island as a whole. The background idea for this project really hits close to home and means alot to us. For us to use our knowledge of physics to make lights turn on really inspires us because it shows that when we come across disasters like that, our knowledge is power. For our flag we created a circuit that has light bulbs both in a series and in parallel, in order to have each bulb’s brightness equally strong. We came across many challenges with connecting the wires successfully to where they belonged in order to light the flag but we overcame them by revising our notes and getting help from our peers. I hope that you enjoy our project and find it as inspirational as we did.

