Ebenezer Lompo Capstone

Being a student at this school, I always was curious about what the mascot stood for. I didn’t want to ask anyone cause I felt as if it would’ve been embarrassing if I asked an obvious question. So over the past 4 years while doing school work and sitting in classes the question has always been in the back of my mind. Why is the Rocket the Sla Beeber mascot? The Rocket is a symbol that represents all of the students that have graduated and launched their careers from this school. Whether it’s to university, trade school or right to a job, Sla Beeber community is both the rocket and the rocket is the community. So through many trial and error I wanted to give my own take on what the rocket represents to me using the sills I have learned from SLA Beeber. I brainstormed through many ideas, such as carpentry, mechanics and etc, but I landed on 3d modeling.

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