Earth systems & Earthquake in Mexico City

​Reflection : 

    The Earth System consists of four major spheres. The Earth System is made up of the Atmosphere, Geosphere, Hydrosphere & Cryosphere, and Biosphere. The atmosphere is the mass of the air surrounding the Earth. The geosphere is made up of matter that makes up the Earth. The hydrosphere is all the water that makes up the Earth. The cryosphere is the frozen part of the hydrosphere. Last, but not least is the Biosphere which is where all living things live.

   The Earth System has many different spheres that affect the Earth in many ways. The spheres work in different ways, but they don't only affect the Earth they affect each other too. Natural disasters are a perfect example on how the spheres affect each other. When a natural disaster occurs all of the spheres are affected by it, for example during an Earthquake the atmosphere releases methane into the atmosphere which has an affect on the biosphere because it has to deal with life, and the human beings living on Earth. The understanding of environmental science would help aid during these natural disasters because it would help us gain more information about what is occurring, and would also help us prepare better for the disaster. It would also help us predict more about when these disasters will occur. The efforts we could make for the future is just to prepare for it, and know how to prepare / do during these disasters because we can never predict when a disaster could happen. I believe we should also talk/ learn more about these disasters, and how we can recover from them. 
    In class today we did a gallery work to present our projects. We had to write feedback for our peers. While reviewing the feedback, my group and I received positive/ good feedback. People liked how we presented our information, and the pictures we included. The negative feedback we received was about how we put to much information, and how we should've made it shorter.  
