Comparative Ethnobotany

Q1 Benchmark

For our project we studied four different native tribes from around the world, including the Lenape from Philadelphia, Sioux from North Dakota, San from Southern Africa, and the Angami from Nagaland India. We studied their culture and learned about how they used agriculture in their society. With what we learned we can conserve their culture and wisdom by using some of their planting techniques, and trying to use plants as much as they did. These tribes incorporated agriculture into their daily lives and made sure to get the most out of everything. Plants in new climates can either become invasive or just not do well in a new environment. If we keep them in their natural climate and respect land as much as the indigenous people did/ do then we will have a more positive affect instead of negative. From this project I realized how native tribes helped shape agriculture and their use of plants and materials was rather conserved and not wasteful. I think this is something we can still use today in order to get the most out of all that we use. 
