Chemical Spills PSA

In our groups PSA video, we choose to depict a student drinking ‘contaminated water’ and the effects of it. I wanted to do chemical spills because something actually happened near Philadelphia, in Bucks County recently. There was a chemical spill of water based Latex solution because of a pipe breaking in the Bristol township. I feel like chemical spills is one of those big money issues, something everyday people only care about if it directly affects them. Truth be told, everyone should give some type of hell about chemical spills because they should want everyone, be it plant animal or humanoid to be healthy.

I feel like I did well staying on top of check points throughout this project and looking things over. I could have acted in the actual video more, but we got our point across without that so that’s great.

The most meaningful part of this project to me was actually seeing the production of the video and how it came out. I know it's just a school project but maybe someone in school will see this and when their older they'll try to stop chemical spills or learn how to properly react in such a situation.
