Benchmark Reflection

The value of biodiversity offers many resources that humans and animals need to survive, such as shelter, food, and a balance to the earth as a whole. Sadly many human actions alter the Earth’s natural system such as deforestation, overfishing, burning of fossil fuels, and many more. Individuals can try to cut down our electricity and even their transportation, by having a timer for their lights so that they can cut off or they could try to ride their bikes to and from the place if they can.

This project helped me to understand there are many different ways to be sustainable other than using expensive solar panels for everything. When researching the clothing industry’s Eco footprint I didn’t know that making clothes has a large water usage, they surprised me. I never really knew how certain clothes were made and what was involved in collecting resources and processing them to then be turned into material. I contributed by finding sustainable practices we could use for our clothing company as well as taking all our information and putting it on slides. I also helped with the making of our physical model by buying materials and working during lunch to get some stuff done. I was really proud of all the information we had found as well as the teamwork put into finishing the final product.
