Aliya Rouine Q4 Artist Statement

Aliya R
Aliya R
Artist Statement

For my last project, I chose the artist Kelsey Montague.  She is a street artist who does murals made out of elegant designs, a lot of them are angel wings and she spread around the hashtag “what lifts you”.  People would take pictures with the wings and use that hashtag.  Any piece of art she does has a unique look to it which I tried to capture in my drawing.  I made a drawing in her designed and made the background black so the piece would pop out more.  The designs consist of lines, flowers, swirls, etc.  

   This work reflects the culture as it is inspired from Kelsey Montague art.  Her work puts out positive vibes to people and makes them happy.  The bright colors and positive messages such as #whatliftsyou is to make people have a better mood and think about what makes them happy.  I hope people can be happy when looking at my work as well.  

  The tools I used to create this piece was pencils, colored pencils, and paint.  The actual design was colored in colored pencils and the background was in a pint.  I used colored pencils to be able to do shading and did black paint so the color would pop more.

This work relates to previous work I have done as a lot of what I draw is flowers and designs.  This work is very colorful and a lot of the work I do is with many colors.  A lot of drawings I do are also in colored pencil as well.  

  The process I went through to create this was look at different pictures of her art work.  I took one that I liked the most and used it for my inspiration for the pic.  I looked at the pic and sketched out my own design.  I colored it in with colored pencils, outlined it with sharpie, then painted the background black.  It was hard to get around the small details of the pattern.  
    An artist who makes similar work to Kelsey is Collete Miller.  She also paints murals and does angel wings as well, but in a different style than Kelsey.  She uses a lot of the same colors I use as well as Kelsey, which is a bunch of bright colors that pop. 

   A certain technique that is important to the work is shading.  In order to get some of the patterns on my work I had to carefully shade the work.  If it was not shaded correctly, it would not have the same effect if I just made all the shading the same.  

    Doing this piece, I did not learn any new technique.  It was stuff I was all familiar with.  The thing that I am most proud of in this art is the detail and shading I put into it.  Shading was something I used to struggle with but I really payed attention while I was working on it and think I did a good job.  

   If I had to change something with this project, I might try other mediums to color it with or a different background.  Maybe instead of colored pencil I would try water colors, and instead of black as the background I would try another color or design.  I think I made the project super simple but I could've made it more elaborate although I do like the simplicity of it.  

    This project was really fun for me to create, it was very soothing and therapeutic.  It was something I enjoyed drawing and it was fun to see how it came out.  Doing this project I learned about the artist Kelsey Montague and what she does.  It was really fun and her work/this project inspired me to do more work like this.
