Alicia Nelson, Kashia Bumpess Capstone

For our Capstone project, I thought it would only be right if I focus on animals because I am going to college to be a veterinary nurse and Kashia believes animals should have an equal opportunity to a good life just like us. For our project, we decided to challenge the concept that zoos aren’t good for animals by making a video to help people really look at how zoos make animals feel. We assume that since animals cannot talk we know what’s best for them and can make decisions for them. That is incorrect. Animals come from a different world than we do and have their own lives to live.
We cannot put them in any environment to help accommodate for what we want all the time. That is why Kashia and I went to our local zoo, the Philadelphia Zoo, to observe the animal's behavior when put into a room to be observed by the public. When observing certain animals like primates, I noticed that most of them looked rather sad and bored living in there. While others like lions and tigers, who live in an open space outside were a little aggressive. Watching the animals lay in the little habitats made me feel really dead inside. Especially, seeing the polar bear outside on a partially cool day, living alone. He wasn’t happy just like most of the animals there. That is why we say no to the created creation and preservation of zoos.
