Air Pollution PSA ~ Rebecca Stubbs

In this PSA video about Air Pollution, you will learn what the cause of air pollution is , some solutions to reducing air pollution, and how it is effecting the environment. I chose this topic because people need to know about air pollution and how this is a serious environmental topic. For this project, I think what I did well was the process of making this little video. It was really fun to make this video. What I could have done differently was maybe make the video a little longer even though a PSA isn't supposed to be that long. The most meaningful part about creating this PSA was how I was making and knowing that its going to be posted on my Youtube for the public to see.

Comments (4)

Yacine Diop (Student 2021)
Yacine Diop

I really liked it! it has a lot of information and you managed not to make it too long so that's great. I had no clue that air pollution was that harmful to kill 7 million people per year, that's a lot. So what other measures do you think the people and the government can take to make this better?

Makell Logan (Student 2021)
Makell Logan

I really like the music and images. It was also shocking to me that 91% of the world's population live in place with bad air quality. So I didn't see this in your list of solutions, but do you think that it would be a good idea to switch to renewable resources like solar energy?

Anna Desouza (Student 2021)
Anna Desouza

great job! I loved the animation. I wasn't aware that air pollution was the cause of that many deaths. talking about the issue itself and the possible solutions is impactful! My question is, in what way can people at risk of getting sick do to prevent it from worsening?

Lina Burghezi (Student 2021)
Lina Burghezi

This was really good! I liked the information. It was shocking to me that air pollution kills about 7 million people a year. The resources u mentioned to help bring this number down and lower air pollution can be very impactful as well. My question is: How does air pollution affect different groups of people? Are there areas where more people die from air pollution