A picture is worth a thousand words

The picture I choose is supposed to represent us as teens in Philadelphia being discriminated against by our elders and people in society.We are automatically referred to as delinquents by elders and are assumed to be worthless teens
with no future, heading to prison. Because so many of us have been told this, we wear a
mask to cover up our true potential, to fulfill society’s expectations about us. We give into
stereotypes and become another proven statistic. We wear a mask hiding our intelligence,
talents and superior abilities just to fulfill society predictions for us. In school we are deprived of our education “the school ­to-prison pipeline is an epidemic that is afflicts teens in our city. Students are often suspended, expelled or even arrested for minor offenses. Students who are forced out of school for disruptive behavior are usually sent back to the cause of their anger and pain which are their home environments or their neighborhoods. These places are contained with negative influence. Those students who are forced into prison for minor offenses that really should just be a detention can now forget about their future. In our city rarely will you here about us receiving awards, or achievements. Rarely will you ever here that your former classmates are doctors, lawyers, engineers, that they actually became successful. I'm more likely to here that they ended up in jail, chained behind bars and vulnerable to society. When I here about a few of my former classmates who won academically achieving awards I am surprised more so than when I found it half of them already of a prison record now following them for the rest of their lives. School now a days hasn't even became a place where students learn. If we were actually founded properly and giving the right tools to actually develop knowledge students would want to be successful in school. If we don't feel as though no one else cares, why should we. Most schools don't even have funding for laptops and computers, Technology has become an outbreak for the future. How are we supposed to be successful in life if we can't don't even have the proper utensils that are pretty much mandatory for future triumph. Bound from success, deprived of our education, we fail.
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