Intro to Design and Multmiedia Public Feed
Kemet's Beautiful Website!
Jordon Gillies Website
In my website I wanted to create something that people could just go on and find things about me without many questions,and which was easy to navigate. First I created a Home page that talked about that talked what will be seen in my website. Secondly I wrote an about me page which I tell things about me and what I like. On the next page I wrote about my resume which is stuff I did in my life and my extracurricular actives. I have a portfolio with one of my projects. At the end I have my contact information so people can contact me. Through this project I learned that you can never give too much information about yourself if peopler looking for information about. I have also leaned how to put a well organized website together.
My Media Design Project:
A (brief) description of your project and project goals, including what you hoped to learn through completing the project.
My project goal is trying to help everyone get to know me more better as an SLA student at “Science leadership Academy” so they can become more comfortable around me and about who I am as a person. So they can relate to some of the things I have talk about and went over about my website with me that I don't know about them. We could have similar results about each other lives we don't know until this website help them get too know me. I hoping to learn more about the techniques and structure and gain more knowledge of this website because I will never know I could need this website again for project or assignment again some day. It could be media designing or whatever etc. in the future it could come in handy again so i'm hoping that I could use this website again for an reference someday again.
A (brief) description of the process you went through to complete the project.
Here are all the slides I touch over about my media design project “Home Page”, “About Me”, “ My Resume”, “ My Project” and also I have included a etc. slide to tell everyone thank you for looking at and viewing my website also learning about who I am has a person. Starting off for my “Home Page” I wanted to let everyone know what they are looking forward to seeing in my website project it’s like a small welcome and greeting also introduction. For my “About me Page” I gave just a small life bio of who I am and what I do in and out of school and mostly my hobbies and interests about life itself also I have include an video of one my dearest closest talents I like the most about my life is make creating music and one of the musical talents I have is playing “Drums” and I will show video of myself playing drums at a wedding. Now for my “Resume Page” I just include some accomplishments, and Job opportunities that I was offered, also talents that I have have in my life. Another slide that I have included in my website page was about “Project’s Page” so what I have done for project was I just displayed project that I have done in the past year, also I have included an project that I have done this year that I just got finished doing not too long ago and they were both about “Bio-chem” because I love science. Also the last project I have included was one that I am working on now today a flute that was for “Stem and Intro”. Now for the very last slide I just a include a “Closing Page” I just tell everyone thank you for viewing and hope you like the website and hope they have enjoyed getting to know me.
Any successes and/or failures you encountered. If you describe a failure, explain how you overcame or worked around that failure.
Something that gave me trouble was uploading a video too my website and publishing my website, and how I have overcome these troubles I ask for help from the teacher about uploading a video on my website also the response I got was “ look at youtube for an guiding reference for how to upload a video on your website” and it worked out perfectly, and the second situation I ask a peer how to publish a website and “she” help me out a bit but “she” also remind me that we have guide website how answer the questions you are seeking for and it help me out a lot because what happened??? I went right to website and it did help me and had the answers I was looking for.
What you actually ended up learning through the completion of the project.
I learned the features and structure and creation for how to make a website through this learning process.
What you learned about yourself through the completion of the project.
I learned that I have to have patience with myself and learn to look at guidance reference and guide lines when they are given and when I have a question or don't understand something ask a peer and teacher then but first try you best and see what you can do and come up first.
How you would do this project differently if you were to do it all over again.
I don't think I would really change anything but added some more stuff to talk about for the website.
Any tips or hints for others attempting this project.
Read first before doing and make sure you pay close attention when instructions are being given.
What this project inspired you to do next.
This project inspired me to use this website maker for projects or assignments when projects and assignments come out I can just use this website as an display for what I am trying to sponsor or if I want to make website of my own now I know what to use to make a website.
Proper citations for any work that is not yours
The background images are not minds…
In this project, did the message dictate the medium or did the medium dictate the message?
“The message dictated the medium” how because the the website was the message and the medium was the public audience, the message was going towards the medium for the medium too learn from the message.
Media and Design Website
In this project I created a website for media and design class. You will see things like what I do for fun, school projects and what I have planed for my future. In this project I hoped to learn how to build a better website for future reference. While doing this project I learned just that but I still have things to learn and work on. This project was very eye opening! This project was somewhat of a long process. We had many checkpoints leading up to the final submission. First we had to complete our homepage. We had to make it look eye catching and easy to navigate. After that we had to work on the following pages to complete our website. Homepage, About me, Resume, Project those are the thing we needed to complete it. Adding a contact page was optional. I added a gallery page which included pictures of me and things I mentioned. I did that because I felt like I didn't have enough pictures on my website. This is basically the process we had to take to complete this project.
I think I did really well with the design aspect of it. Now when it came to the navigation on the homepage I did really well on. But, on the rest of my pages I didn’t add any easy way to go to other pages. I think I did very poor on turning the checkpoints in time. To overcome that I made sure that i completed the checkpoint of head of time. Throughout the whole doing the whole project the main thing that I learned was how to build a website and add more eye catching things. One main thing that I learn about myself is that I suck at writing about myself. Two things that I would do differently about this project is turning things on time and asking for help with making my site easier to navigate. One tip that I would give is don’t Procrastinate! This project inspired me to make a website for my crocheting. All pictures are mine but, the poem from Shel Silverstein and the quote from Erykah Badu are not mines. This everything I got from my project. Thanks for viewing!
Introduction To Design and Multimedia Project
Media and Design Project
Intro to Design Project- Alexis P
Design Your Own Website: André Thomas
I'm really proud of my final product. Even though it was pretty straightforward and I was given some linear requirements it was enjoyable. I began working on this unsure of what to expect but it turned out to be better than what I believed I was capable of. I hoped to learn what went into designing a site and this project taught me exactly that! I actually finished all of my pieces on time in this project but had to withhold the final submission due to me deleting something that I never meant to. I still find that all my checkpoints being submitted on time as a huge success given the fact I knew nothing about websites going into this. The only trouble I had outside of deletion was creating a homepage which was the only thing I feel as though I never got right. I learned that I've done a lot more than I remember....but I do not have photos to account for most of it. I do not think I would want to redo this project if given the chance but from now on I will try to take more pictures of my achievements and when I attend events.