ART ADV - Hertz - d1 Public Feed
Hector's Spiral of Theoudorus
Art Reflection
My work throughout the year - Tierra Weary
This is a my work for all the projects I have composed in art class this school year. I have learned a lot this year in this class and here is my way of displaying it. Through different techniques I have become a better artist and broadened my horizions. I have grasped a deeper knowledge on different tools and how they work. I have really enjoyed my time in art class '16.
art 101
Clay Lumintang- Spiral Theodorus
The Process
Creating my spiral took a lot of precision. First I began making a right triangle, with Angle a and b to be both 1 inch. Then I connected them to make a full right triangle. Once that is done, I made another 1 inch line, connecting the previous triangle to start on the creation of the next. I keep that process going, until eventually it gradually increases in its hypotenuse and reaches its max.
Spiral of Theodorus
Step 1
I put a dot anywhere on the paper. After that I drew two 1 inch lines to form a right angle from the dot. Then I draw line to connect the two 1 inch lines. When I did this it formed a right triangle.
Step 2
After I created my first right triangle I put the dot that is located in the bottom middle of the protracted on top of my triangle highest peek,
Step 3
After I made my make at 90 degrees. I the used the ruler at the bottom of the protractor to draw another inch line aiming at the 90 degree mark. This line stemmed from the top of the hypotenuse on the original triangle I drew.
Art Reflection
Clay Lumintang- My 11th Grade Art Projects
My Reflection On Art By: Tsion Tucho
Inspirational Image Link: